How to Motivate Yourself

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Avatar for PrincessHiba
2 years ago

We all love setting goals. We set goals for ourselves at the start of the new year, at the beginning of every month, and even at the start of each day. But how good are we at accomplishing the goals we set for ourselves?

More often than not, we begin working towards our goals with a lot of enthusiasm and eagerness. But somewhere along the way, we tend to lose interest.

The one thing that can bring you back to course is motivation. When motivated, we tend to enjoy what we do without it feeling like a burden.

This one is for those days where you feel the need for some extra motivation!

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Ways to Motivate Yourself

1 The Small Wins

At first, your small wins might seem exactly like that – as if they’re small and insignificant. However, the truth is that the small wins matter as much as the big ones do. They’re instrumental in creating a sense of encouragement and can often play a significant role in motivating you.

Let’s take, for example; your long-term goal to save enough money for you to be able to travel.

Maybe you find it hard to save money because you’re a spendthrift, and you always spend all your money without saving any. But today, you saved a small amount of money. Celebrate this.

It doesn’t matter if what you saved was a small, insignificant amount. The truth is that you made an attempt to save your money, and that is a first.

Celebrating your small wins can boost your confidence, make you happy, and basically motivate you to work towards your bigger wins as well.

2. Take A Break

We all have a limited span of attention. Either we get bored of the task at hand, or our performance gets impacted. What can help is a break in between.

If you’ve been working hard on something and feel yourself slacking off or losing interest, it could be an indicator that you need to take a break.

Lay back and relax at regular intervals. Maybe you could take a power nap or step out and take a stroll. You could even call a friend and catch up for a bit or watch a short show.

In addition to this, consider taking a long break as well. For example, if you’ve been working on a particular project for months on end, maybe take the weekend off and go on a short vacation? It could even be something as simple as a road trip or a short trek to the outskirts of your city.

3. Organize Your Day

When you organize your day, you first get a clear idea of the tasks at hand. You’ll know what has to be done and how you can incorporate a systematic approach to your daily schedule.

What it also does, is that it can save you a lot of time. When you deep dive into your day without a plan in mind, you tend to go with the flow, miss out on a few tasks, or take up too much time on just one particular task.

However, if you organize your day right at the start or maybe the previous night, you can prepare yourself mentally to wrap up specific tasks within a particular deadline you’ve set for yourself.

You can use the help of an organizer or notepad to jot down your tasks for the day. Write them in order of priority. There are plenty of online resources and fancy tools that help you organize your day in fun ways.

4. Ask Yourself “Why”

  • What are you working towards?

  • For what goal do you need the motivation for exactly?

  • Is it to complete an ongoing project?

  • Or is it for a weight-loss mission?

Somewhere along the way, you lose the enthusiasm to keep going, and this is why you need to keep yourself motivated.

When you find yourself lacking motivation or interest, ask yourself “why” this goal was so crucial in the first place. Remind yourself how much you’re going to benefit from it once it has been accomplished.

You’ve been working towards something, and you’ve probably come a long way from where you started. In all that rush to get there, you might have forgotten the reason behind why you’re even doing what you’re doing in the first place!

5. Give Yourself Rewards

What makes a reward special is that it is only given when you’ve earned it. Rewarding yourself, mainly after you’ve just finished a task, can be one of the best ways to motivate yourself.

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2 years ago
