Fuel crises in our present world.
Permit me to contribute on the menace fuel crises has contributed to out present world. Firstly, have you ever witnessed a scene in a petrol filling station during fuel crises?
Petrol is gotten from the fractional distillation of crude oil or petroleum, petrol is a mixture of hydrocarbons consisting of four to twelve carbon atom per moles. It is used as a fuel for aeroplane and motor vehicles, it is also a good solvent that can be used for dissolving paint and grease stain. Petrol equivalent to fuel,crises is the depletion or lack of crude oil due to unforeseen circumstances such as:
Pipe line vandalization:
This is a cruel act, which leads to the destruction of pipe lines for selfish reasons. Pipe line vandalization also destroys the land (soil) , where it's been vandalized.
Lack of professionals or experts:
Due to the high rate of corruption, there are a lot of unaccountable experts. Who are given the position to work at petroleum company but have little or no ideas of it
Insufficient/lack of capital:
Insufficient capital or funds, can lead to fuel crises.this can be better understood by the point earlier " lack of experts" in a case were there are no accredited expert there will be misuse of funds, due to the lack of knowledge on how to maneuver things
Way on how to stop fuel crises:
Inserting strict laws:
Laws should be imposed on the vandalization of pipe lines, and any defaulter should be punished severally. This will as well serve as an eye opener for anyone who would want to engage in such act. The society also have a role in curbing such act by reporting any defaulter they see.
Accountable experts or professionals:
Only accredited experts with good and verifiable results should be employed. So as to be able to manage the resources.
Sufficient capital:
The government also plays a major role on how to stop fuel crises, by providing funds/capitals to this sector.
Thus, everyone has a role to play in other to stop fuel crises, but most especially the government/ authorities. 'will the authorities concerned make bold to stop fuel crises? That is the ten million dollars question.
Yup fuel prices are hiking all over the world !