How to improve your Reading and make it Interesting

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3 years ago

What and where to read

There are many publications out there today and it is unlikely that you can or want to read everything that is published in your language. After all, the flesh tires of doing a lot of books and of having a lot of devotion to them.All literature will not uplift and renew the reader. Just as the food you eat affects your physical condition, the information you take in affects your thinking. So be selective. You may be asking yourself: is this book worth my time and attention? Will this article be constructed morally or spiritually? They can provide insight that your attention should be shifted elsewhere.

What you read can affect where you read it. You can read a newspaper, news, or relatively light material when traveling by train or plane. More important activities may require solitude in a private room or office.

Take an interest in what you read in all ways. Concentrate on that. Of course, when you do that, you can sit in the most comfortable chair available and play soft music in the background. After all, you want to read, not sleep. Silence and an upright chair with the book or newspaper on the table will probably be much better,you need to adopt an attitude that favors reading, not sleep.

Efficient reading and eye movements

If you feel your reading may need some improvements, there are a few things that can help. First of all, you can consider eye movements. Your eyes do not move easily across the page while reading. Instead, they stop multiple times to focus on a single row. Then go back to the start of the next line. A slow reader's eyes often linger over each line and may only see one word or syllable at a time. Obviously, the messages sent to your brain are inconsistent.

A person can read faster with more understanding and enjoyment by reducing the number of stops or blockages per line. Why not practice a little? Make an effort to read sentences or phrases. See if that doesn't speed up your reading and understanding of the author's thought.

Regression also deserves attention. It's the bad habit of reading too many words instead of rolling your eyes all the time. Regressions slow you down, tire your eyes, and make it difficult to understand. If something is missing, don't give up. It is best (and probably won't take longer) to proofread an article. If you have a sense of urgency and want to make the most of your time, the regression is going to be scary.

Sometimes more experienced readers withdraw because the author's reasoning does not include them, or because the message the brain receives seems distorted or unreal. “I read an article by Pearl Buck once on a flight,” Cornelia Otis Skinner wrote. “Immediately, one of those enchanted phrases grabbed me. They said: "At dawn, we sat down on armchairs whose bars rest on the shoulders of Chinese beavers with bare chests." How extraordinary! I thought. The Chinese beaver must be much bigger than us and can of course be tamed. At that point, the plane gave one of the inexplicable bumps that rocked me until I lost my seat. When I met him again, I noticed that Ms. Buck and her group had been transported by Chinese porters. "- The Readers Digest.

Vocalization: good or bad?

Usually you don't want to go back. But there is still something to avoid if you want to read quickly. Some people read very slowly because they speak. They can whisper or move their lips, tongue, vocal cords, or neck muscles and say every word to themselves. Others don't make these audible physical noises or movements, but say each word to each other and "hear" each word individually in their head. With continuous effort and groups of word reading, vocalization can be eliminated and thus reading speed increased.

How about a speed course?

At this time, you may be wondering if you should read a book on dynamic reading. It's a personal question. Probably a post like this would make you eliminate regressions and vocalizations and use more words for each look. It may also indicate that you are not letting your eyes rely on long word extensions (like "-ly" in "basically"). It can be said that words like "e", "em" and "she" are hardly available to experienced readers. These readers only speed up and guess certain words and word endings.

But when you read quietly, do not let the thought of speed overwhelm you. It is not always important or appropriate. If you are planning to spend the night reading a good book, do not be in a hurry. You may be studying to remember important points. And you should not try to read everything at the speed of light. A novel can be read quickly, but long memories of work may require concentration and a different pace.

Think actively as you read

In any case, remember that reading does not have to be a passive activity. Author W. Somerset Maugham, basically a slow reader, wrote derogatory words for people who "read with their eyes, not sensitive." It is a mechanical exercise in which the Tibetans spin a prayer wheel. "

Think actively as you read. Analyze statements from the author, you agree or disagree. I wonder what the author's argument is. How does this paragraph support this? Do I need to do anything with this information? What should I do?

Take time to pause and reflect on the material you are reading.

Visualize if possible what is happening. Think mentally about the terrain, the roads, the people. Note how men and women dress. Listen to the children's voices playing happily. Smell the baked bread. Relive the scenes. Then your reading will be an adventure, because you will be able to see an ancient city, climb a high mountain or admire the wonders of creation.

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3 years ago
