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3 years ago

As last time we explain about ICT today we are going to discuss about Computer obviously it is a part of information technology

What is computer?

Definitely computer is an electronic machine

And why do we use it?

Well now a days we use it for very broad purpose but most important purpose is information gathering and sharing machine ( that information may contain accounting, banking, blogging , office work etc)

What is meaning of word computer?

Well the term computer has been taken from a Latin word compute and the managing of compute is " to calculate" it means the meanings of computer is calculator

Well no need to panic bcz you knew computer is calculator haha

Actually we all know in ancient time and even now the most of People are having trouble in sum and mathematics so want something/some technologies to solve

Well the back work is an example the entire work is accounting and calculate but we can't perform that by simple calculator we need compute for it

And the main reason why computer is called computer is bcz of Abacus .

Abacus Is known as the first computer of words ( you can see it's pic above or below ) it was first invented a long time ago but the modern abacus date of birth is 1200 C.E .. and when Charles Babbage created the first computer which was known as machinical or ( Babbage's machine ) he gave it name computer bcz the first computer purpose was only calculation not communication

That is a short history of computer next time we will discuss more about terminology and uses of computer.

If you have any questions related with it you can ask in comments

Thanks everyone Allah Hafiz

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