_Forsake us not, O LORD: O my God, be not far from us.Make haste to *HELP* us, O Lord my salvation._ *Ps 38:21-22*
¶God will arise for your sake and raise *HELP* for you everywhere you go this week
¶He will *send* you *HELP* from the *sanctuary* and *strengthen* you out of *Zion*
¶ *FAVOR* will *locate* you today and forever
¶Surely, *God's goodness* and *mercy* shall follow you *all the days of your life*, forever and ever
¶l prophesy and decree into your life this morning; as you are *stepping* out today, the Spirit of the Lord will *lead* you to your *promised land*
¶You will be *settled* in your *promised land* in Jesus name
¶ *God that owns the day will journey with you*
¶HE will *lighten* up your path and *establish* your *good thoughts*
¶ *HIS hand will uphold you*
¶ *He will make you GREAT!*
¶HE will open the doors of *Happiness, Peace and Progress for you.*
¶ HIS *blessings* shall never depart from your *households*
¶The Lord will be your *refuge* and *fortress*
¶You will enjoy all round *PROTECTION* and comprehensive *DOMINION* in every realm
¶ *May the Lord hear you in the day of troubles*
¶The name of the Lord God of Israel will *defend* you
¶The Lord shall *open* unto thee His good *treasures* , the heaven to send its rain in its *season* to *bless the work of your hands.*
¶You shall *lend* unto *many nations* and you *shall not borrow*
¶ *May all the devices of the devil set to devalue you fail woefully.*
¶God will bless you with *NEW NAME!*
¶His *GLORY* will continually *SHINE* in your life.
¶Doors of *uncommon grace* and *blessings* will *open* for you,
¶ The *light* of God will consume your *darkness*
¶You will be *celebrated with NEW THINGS* today and forever more in Jesus Mighty Name,
¶By the *unction* of the Almighty God, an end has come to every *frustration* , *every* *failure* , every *defeat*, every *sickness and affliction* and *every unfulfilled* *desire* in your life in the name of Jesus.
¶Beginning from today, the One who took Israel out of the *wilderness* , will *take you out of your wilderness.*
¶ This is your *SEASON OF LIFTING* in Jesus mighty mame
Praise Jesus!