Family influence on relationship and marriage

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3 years ago
Topics: Family, Relationship

Sometimes children just ruin their future just because They don't want to ruin the respect they earn in their family and whole life. But Parents also need to care about what their children want, and I want to say we all are humans and these community system is just for our own ease, Stop taking it serious, and do the things that are beneficial for you not for the community you live in.

Many young people have missed the future meant for them resulting from their family's strict rules. Parents also should be considerate towards the choices of their children. Be it relationship or career wise. It brings fulfilment.

Parents really needs to stop interference into the marital affair of their kids. The decision of who to marry or not, should be left for the children to make, because in the end, anything that results from the marriage will be carried by those involved.

Its not easy leaving the one you loved just for the sake of respect.

Don't hurt your feelings just to see others happy, live right and be useful for yourself and the society, parent should guide their children on the right path, failed home is a failed society

Though, Sometimes it is okay to be alone rather than hurting your own family and parents who love us the most. Their happiness must be our first priority. It is up to our parents to understand the happiness of their kids

We should try our best to keep our parents happy. We should never forget the sacrifices of parents. Their happiness should be our first priority. But i think parents also need to listen to their children about what they want. Because it's not about only for a month or year but about their future

Love is a bond which is very hard to cut, it goes beyond physical intact and emotion act alone: when parents do not fully support the union between a couple, they must separate because there’ll never be no joy in a family without their parent acceptance. This is the more reason why parent also should give children opportunity to select and choose by themselves and Support them fully.

Though its a fact that no one can make a better decision for us than our parents..but sometimes its necessary to think about the happines of the children instead of implementing your decisions on them.

Love is something we can all fall in. Parents must not deprive their children of love. They should be allowed to love who ever they want instead of getting involved in their ways.

Matching up with your standards as parents is not the best way but letting your child go for his or her heart is the best option.

The matter of fact is society; norms and the opinions of peeps;

Well, many of the young ones take strange decisions regarding their career and marriage; because they can't disrespect their elders.

has been exemplified by girls who say yes to all the conclusions of their elders.

So it's time to value the viewpoint of your kids than that of the community.

I think parents should not impose their decisions on children especially in this case they have the right to make their own decisions. No culture or Religion should back the idea of snatching away our children's right.

boys and girls should trust their elders instead of carrying any burden on them, do not take any step without their consent. However, parents should respect the opinion of the wise adult children and never behave in such a way that the children are forced to take a step that would be a disgrace to all.

Thanks for taking your time to read through.

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3 years ago
Topics: Family, Relationship
