Urkrine and russia

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2 years ago

Hi all writer's and readers again I made my new article for get information to other people who don't know what happened for other countries.

If you don't know what happened the Russia and urkraine please read this,

if you read this you can get a new info. to another country what happened.

gyus I made this kind of article for other countries figthing like Russia and urkraine.

This kind of reminds to all people living in the world please don't forget to love your enimies what ever she/he do to you.

please pray for other country for survive the big problem he/she incounter right now.


I know this is not easy to accept this kind of situation but we need to accept because lord jesus give this kind of problem.so we need to solve this because god never give this unexpected problem if no options to solve it but don't forget to pray.

I know URKRAINE and RUSSIA this is not easy to solve this supper big problems but I know lord Jesus can protect our countries and provide all our needs in our living.May the god of peace be upon the earth.

Please Russia stop this kind of war.

President of Russia I know you have a son who waiting you to come back home like the son of all army in URKRAINE so you can know how to feel you lost your son to see everyday.The son who don't know if her dad is comeback to see hem again he dad is fighting for freedom of our country.so please stop it.

bieng a son of army is not easy Because anytime you're father is leaving.

Like this baby girl in the picture she don't know what happened the world and he don't know her father is leaving and she don't know to come back again her dad or not.plese pray all army in Ukraine to keep safe and survive.

Be proud because your dad is a army.

A army can do anything forsave our country and to give our countries freedom.

I know it's is not easy to you can't see your father face,because I feel that kind of situation it's so very hard bieng a little children of army.

It's so very sad/hard to broke your family to this kind of situation but don't forget to pray to your father for her protect and her healthy.

I write this kind of message to Russia to get him/her attention to stop the war.I know it's not easy to doing that but we need to do for our safety and our nation.

It's so very sad because one of the soldiers of URKRAINE is die because he bomb her self to stop the big tank of Russia to get closer to her country.he think if he do that he can stop the tank of Russia but the tank of enimies is continue to get closer.

I saw the last moment of video of all army of URKRAINE depends the snake island because the Russian is target that place to gone fire.I can see the men had clear visual on the Russian that came relatively close to the island.all URKRAINE soldiers defending the island were killed during the attack.

The Ukraine president announced that all men who defended the island will be awarded with URKRAINES highets military hunor.

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Avatar for Prencess
2 years ago


The spelling in your title is mistyped as "Ukrine," you may correct it to "Ukraine." Inside the article, the spelling is correctly typed, though. Don't believe whatever you see/read in the mainstream news media. They don't write the truth but exaggerate to sell their news stories.

Consider writing a "bio" in place of the default "No bio yet" in your profile.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry because my keyboard is disabled something wrong so I can't write the correct spelling but thank you because now I know how to trusted anybody else and now I write my bio thank you for small information to me because I don't know how to write a article but I try because I have a dream for red cash.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You can correct the title by copying the letter "a" from somewhere using your mouse (say from you this comment) and insert the copied letter at the correct place again using the mouse.

You are writing means you know how to write. Continue writing by finding topics (preferably popular but not controversial) from elsewhere, maybe from your life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope you can't stop support me again even I have a small mistake and you can't stop to correction me if I have mistakes I do please give me up because I have big dream please help me up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I already supported you and helped you with a correction.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for your new info.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Situations like this are really unexpected. But maybe, God really gave this as our trial to come and ask forgiveness to him, for all of our sins sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes god can provide all our need.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, sending soldiers off to war means a little boy or girl in danger of losing a father.

$ 0.00
2 years ago