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2 years ago

good morning everyone have a evening and lovely evening to all writer's, reader's and specialy my all supporter's even two or more only. actually I'm so proud because I have two or more supporter's,I know it's to small but I appreciate hem/her.

thank you so much gyus because you can appreciate my all efforts bieng a one of writer's in this read cash even sometimes I can't make my daily article,but you still to support me,may god blessed our.

Now,I have write my new article about my phone cause I think this is my time to I realize so many things I can't do because I always play of my phone.I use this kind of topic because my mom suggested me to write this to my next and new article.

so I think this is good for me so I try to write her suggestion even I have no idea to write this but I I think I can handle this. actually I want to thank you my mother of this kind of topic,thank you mom because you give a idea to what I have write of my next article,thank you mom to help me.

I hope,this kind of article I can finish this with help my mother.actually I can't believe my mom give a suggestion me to do this article.

Actually,first time I heard all of whole life my mom sugggest me what I can I do to my next chapter of my article,but thanks I know mother knows best.

I hope I'can deliver this kind of article.

this is a simple and short article for all member in this red cash.

Now I started my new chapter of my article👇

My phone♥️

*my phone is the one my friend in all my whole life,if I have no friend because it's busy my phone is there even I'm so wild of playing them but he can't leave me.she is be my side always.

actually I'm so very gifted because I have phone like this,my phone is like a strong,brave person like my dad even my phone is only a things,but I can't mind that because i treated my phone something my close friend and my little sister cause actually I have no sisiter only a brother also.

My phone is my friend literally mean the world I'm so blessed to have this my phone to me.

My phone make me happy everyday,if I have not know about my module only my phone help me of my module,if my mom is going outside.

now I introduce my phone, actually my phone is a stronger things I hold,my phone is a brave things I encountered, my phone is a beautiful gift to me,and also my phone is a special give to me because my phone is so very helpful and also kind to me and also others.

I'm so very thankful to my parents because she/hem give me like this phone,I can't believe after 14years ago,now I mine a phone who cares me and also help me, sometimes I have saw my other friends her/he phone is so very loading and the keyboard is sometimes do not work.

I'm so very proud of my phone because he do not like that my friends phone and also this phone is a valuable to me because my lovely parents give me this.

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2 years ago
