How to tell if your baby is getting enough breastmilk

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3 years ago

Worrying about whether or not your baby is getting enough breast milk is something nearly every new mum does, but it's not as complicated as you think.

1. Your baby is active and alert

A well-nourished baby will have plenty of energy when awake. He will be active, move about and let you know when he’s hungry. However, a well-nourished baby is not necessarily a content baby or a good sleeper. There are numerous reasons why babies fuss, cry and become wakeful, most of which have nothing to do with hunger.

2. Your baby is gaining weight

An overall pattern of healthy growth is what’s important. Don’t become overly concerned by week-to-week variations in the amount of weight gained. The presence or absence of milk in your baby’s stomach, the amount of urine in his bladder and waste in his bowel at the time of weighing, can be responsible for inconsistencies in growth from one week to the next.

3. Your baby has wet nappies

What comes out had to first go in. Lots of wet nappies indicate your baby is receiving sufficient fluids. If he is exclusively breastfed or receiving milk you express each day and no fluids from other sources then you can feel confident your milk supply is fine.

If you answered ‘no’ to any of the questions above, don’t panic! This doesn’t necessarily prove your baby is not getting enough milk; but it does mean further investigation is necessary. Have your baby seen by a medical doctor to assess the possibility of a physical problem, and if necessary seek guidance from a lactation consultant to ensure the successful continuation of breastfeeding.

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3 years ago
