World's First Bitcoin City Planned In El Salvador-MINDBLOWING CRYPTO PROJECT

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Avatar for Prasannaa
1 year ago

You already know that blockchain is revolutionizing everything including how we invest in real estate. Well, the good news is that we’re still very early to the party, which means there are pretty decent gains to be made if investors act fast.

The project is called MetaSalvador and it looks like it could become decently profitable given some time. One particular thing I find the most interesting about this project is the team’s choice to launch during a bear market. The raging winters of the harsh bear market are still on and projects are either folding up or halting their operations. If MetaSalvador has decided to go to market regardless, then it means they probably have a lot of confidence in their chances of success, which is an important ingredient in the recipe for success for any crypto project.

According to the whitepaper, MetaSalvador aims to make crypto accessible to the masses by creating a blockchain-based application that everyone finds easy to use. The project aims to create a virtual world that closely mirrors reality as much as possible.

MetaSalvador is launching NFTsand these NFTs will give holders the chance to own actual pieces of land in several places around the world. To make things a little more practical, MetaSalvadoris going to be building an amusement park in El Salvador’s upcoming Bitcoin City. This park will be a place of entertainment where all transactions and purchases will be made using MetaSalvador’s utility token, Colon.

The project is called MetaSalvador and it looks like it could become decently profitable given some time. One particular thing I find the most interesting about this project is the team’s choice to launch during a bear market. The raging winters of the harsh bear market are still on and projects are either folding up or halting their operations. If MetaSalvador has decided to go to market regardless, then it means they probably have a lot of confidence in their chances of success, which is an important ingredient in the recipe for success for any crypto project.

According to the whitepaper, MetaSalvador aims to make crypto accessible to the masses by creating a blockchain-based application that everyone finds easy to use. The project aims to create a virtual world that closely mirrors reality as much as possible.

MetaSalvador is launching NFTs and these NFTs will give holders the chance to own actual pieces of land in several places around the world. To make things a little more practical, MetaSalvador is going to be building an amusement park in El Salvador’s upcoming Bitcoin City. This park will be a place of entertainment where all transactions and purchases will be made using MetaSalvador’s utility token, Colon.

But before we get into that, you may have never heard of El Salvador’s Bitcoin City. Well, in September 2021, Nayib Bukele, El Salvador’s president, announced that he had plans to create a new place called BitcoinCity. Bitcoin City will be an oceanside city located at the base of a volcano. This city was inspired by Alexander the Great and Bukele says it's the evolution of mankind.

What does this have to do with MetaSalvador?

Well, MetaSalvador is already making plans to own a large chunk of this city and turn it into a profit-making asset. It will do this by building an amusement park in Bitcoin City where transactions will be carried out with Meta Salvador’s token, Colon.

Is Bitcoin City going to help make MetaSalvador profitable?

Well, the chances seem pretty good. Bitcoin City is going to be located close to the beach, which gives a gorgeous, touristy vibe. This means that Bitcoin City will very likely become a tourist location.

The second thing about Bitcoin City is that it will be located at the base of a volcano. President Bukele says that the volcanic activity of the Gulf of Fonseca will serve as the focal point of organization for Bitcoin City. This means that everything there will be powered by green energy.

Bitcoin miners will have access to the energy from the volcano to power their mining activity, which means Bitcoin City will be the center of efficient bitcoin mining.

If the plans are properly executed, we could see Bitcoin City attract an influx of crypto companies and entrepreneurs looking for cheaper ways to mine crypto. This means that Bitcoin City could produce a burgeoning market for crypto projects likeMetaSalvador to thrive.

If Bitcoin City performs as expected, we could be seeing a ton of visitors at the MetaSalvador amusement park which means more people trading with Colon and therefore increased demand and more gains for all holders.

Speaking of Colon, the token comes with tokenomics, which means that there is a transaction tax when you trade with Colon. For buying, MetaSalvador has implemented an 8% tax. From this, 5% will be redistributed to holders' reflections while 3% will go into a marketing fund. As for selling, the tax is 19%, from which 5% will go into the project’s liquidity pool, which is an important factor to help keep prices stable. Besides that, 7% of the selling tax will go back to holders as reflections, and then another7% will be used to buy land in different countries all over the world like Dubai, Singapore, and Venezuela.

Mind you, MetaSalvador will be launching an NFT collection. Anyone who buys and holds an NFT automatically qualifies to own a villa in any of MetaSalvador’s lands around the world. By the way, these lands will also be used to host different programs for the Meta Salvador community. Now, that’s one side of what MetaSalvador is up to.

Something else that MetaSalvador is also hoping to do is change the way global land registration works through the power of blockchain. The sector is currently full of a lot of bottlenecks which blockchain can help to smoothen out. Land registries do not have a complex job. At the core of what they do is keeping a record of land and real estate ownership. They also have to keep the records straight of how these assets change over hands through the years. It does sound simple but it gets super complicated when you begin to look at the fine details.

So, first off, we all know that paper documents can be somewhat unreliable. Sometimes, they get lost. Sometimes, they get destroyed. And then when you throw in malicious actors, you could also have a bit of manipulation or falsification. This is why many countries have started migrating to digital registration. The only problem is when you want to sell an old property with a paper title deed that is either lost or destroyed, the entire process can become laborious. And this is just one of the many challenges of using a paper land registration system.

Blockchain, on the other hand, can make things a ton easier. In the first place, the blockchain is immutable, and this means that records on the blockchain can not be changed. Each transaction is traceable, timestamped, and indisputable. This could improve the way we do land registration the world over. The MetaSalvador team has not revealed how exactly they will be creating their blockchain land registration system.

Nevertheless, when they finally reveal a solution, I’m fairly certain that it could be quite impactful! Once again, it would open up another profit-making avenue for holders. There is therefore something to look forward to there.

Let’s now look at Meta Salvador’s road map.

Q2 of 2023 seems to be a pivotal quarter for Meta Salvador as you’ll find in the project whitepaper. In Q2 of 2023, the team will be launching aggressive marketing for the project. About $2 million has been allocated for marketing campaign efforts. Billboards will be mounted in New York, Dubai, and California. Meta Salvador will also be partnering with top YouTubers in the space to help promote the project. Also in Q2, MetaSalvador will start getting major partnerships for Colon. It will also prototype its Colon app, which investors will use to hold and manage their NFTs. Don’t forget that these NFTs guarantee holders a villa in MetaSalvador’s lands all over the world.

In Q3 2023, MetaSalvador will finally launch, Colon. Colon as I said earlier is MetaSalvador’s utility token. Everyone who buys and holds this token will also enjoy free flight tickets to Bitcoin City. So prepare to travel by packing your bags. Obviously, from the look of things, MetaSalvador has much stuff lined up in its roadmap.

Hopefully, the team can successfully execute its plans well and the project can deliver huge gains for its holders.

Disclaimer: Please note this video is not financial advice. It’s strictly made for entertainment and information purposes. So, please make sure to do your research and speak to your financial consultant before coming to an investment decision. Also, don’t forget that the crypto market is notorious for its volatility so make sure you only invest with money that you can afford to lose.

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Avatar for Prasannaa
1 year ago
