Grow wings in faith on God

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Wednesday 13th of April 2022.

You wanna hear that word ?!! " Oh it Mr potbelly with his big belly on the pot table " . It really cost me more than a whole day to appreciate the almighty God and my wonderful supporters for the indeed and strong motivations and encouragement i had been receiving i say a special thank you to you guys I really have to appreciate God for giving me another ability and encouragement to write today again , so guys how has your day been hope you keeping on fasting here some of my friends have give up but you don't give up. Happy Ramadan Kareem to you all

Sponsors of Potbelly

Mr pot belly is really grateful to the awesome sponsor who in one way or the other supported me . I really appreciate you for making my pot belly feel good I am so glad and I show appreciation for the wonderful sponsorship thanks for the wonderful offer .

Today's blog is totally different from the previous blogs that have been making . Here am telling you the reason why you need to "Grow wings in faith on God ". Faith is having totally trust on something as for human we are meant to depend on God . If we depend on other human they will eventually fall our hands let us have a rethink mind and growing wings and putting all faith in God will definitely make us the best we want to be .

As we all know we are human there will be a time where our needs and wants will eventually increase beyond limit in that type of case we may feel neglected and hopeless instead of us to run and meet others for help while don't we run and meet God for helps . The Lord as told us to ask and it shall be given until us if only we surrender everything to God dear readers it is time you surrender your life to God almighty totally tomorrow may be to late .

We are all sinners and we need to change in other to make heaven and ask from God and receive we need to live a life that please God we also need to surrender all to him say this together with me ; Lord jesus i know am a sinner , i say bye bye to the devil o lord i i believe that Jesus died for my sins now I say bye bye to the devil amen . Now that you have heard the word and become a change person it time you share the word to everyone ,God bless you as you do so

Growing wings in faith on God will definitely make you outstanding and eventually you will be able to kill and destroy any obstacles that comes on your journey on life believe me faith in God will assures you of everything you want . Those who put their faith and trust in God will definitely be like a rock which can not be move. Don't waste your time enough is enough with people falling your hands turn to a new leaf and put all trust and faith in God and you shall see how God almighty will bless you .

Thanks so much for reading.

Sponsor message ;

To my dearest sponsor ; I show appreciation to you for the sponsorship offer it makes me feel okay with my pot belly thanks for the sponsorship offer I really appreciate it . Once again Mr potbelly loves you all.

Mr potbelly loves you all *

$ 1.99
$ 1.95 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @MD_Tibro
$ 0.01 from @HermaniGinger
Sponsors of Potbelly


A life without God is different from Him in it. Let us work and toil, however, let us depend on His graciousness and mercy that He will give us what we deserve. Happy Holy Week.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks so much for coming ✌🏻✌🏻

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My pleasure.

$ 0.00
2 years ago