Don't allow negativity to penetrate through into your minds .
Sunday 12th of June 2022.
Don't allow negativity to penetrate through into your minds. When you give room for negativity you will begin to think in the opposite direction, when you create time for bad things then your attitude will be basee on a negative and destructive influence. When you engage in things that gives negative vibes your thoughts will become negative. Stay away from things that create bad vibes and bad energies be careful with how you engage with evil communications corrupt good manners, Try to stay away from all forms of negative attractions and thought. Don't allow negativity to penetrate through into your minds
To my dearest sponsor ; I show appreciation to you for the sponsorship offer it makes me feel okay with my pot belly thanks for the sponsorship offer I really appreciate it . Once again Mr potbelly loves you all.
There is an adage which says * Evil communications corrupt good manners,. When you engage with people who have a bad and innresponsible behaviors you will be slowly starting to be like them. If you give bad thought the chance to penetrate through your minds definitely you will have a bad intentions towards yourself and others. You need to stay away from people that grows negativity in your heart .
Don't allow negativity to penetrate through into your minds
Thanks so much for reading
Mr Potbelly loves you*
Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared