Life is sending us some messages about ourselves

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2 years ago

The journey of self-discovery is long, grueling, but also full of surprises, a path where you can truly feel alive. While some may enter this path at an early age, some in their advanced age, most of them change their direction when they see that path.

Entering the path of self-discovery is not something we do in a controlled way, exactly. Life is sending us some messages about ourselves. If we see him and wonder, if we can say "I don't want to be in the same cycle of events anymore, I want to leave the victim role", we choose to follow that path and the adventure begins. If we fail to see the message, or worse, change our direction, we continue to live in agony. Even if we are not aware of it…

You can use the transformation as an indicator to see if you are progressing in this whole journey of self-discovery. Although sometimes the words change and transformation can be used interchangeably, they are actually quite different from each other. Let's see how you can benefit from these two words in your journey of self-discovery while examining the differences.

When you experience change, while there is no difference in your existing values ​​and essence, you reach a different version of the existing one. Looking at a physical example can help to understand the concept. Although your appearance changes when you change your hairstyle, the hair follicle you have is the same as before. Only the outward appearance has changed. When we look at the inner process from this example, if you try to make something different with the urge to control, no matter how hard you try, there is no change in essence because it is not possible to take the difference from the outside. You may be receiving trainings or reading books, but if you close your eyes to the events that give you a message and force you to go in the direction you "want", this can only make a difference from the outside.

Maybe you're learning a lot of things. But in essence, you are still the same. There is no change in their thoughts and behaviors. You are still angry with that person with the same intensity, trying to appear calm from the outside and suppressing yourself inside. Although you have learned in education, you do not take a step in applying it to your life. It's like you've done so much, lived in the illusion that you've been different for a while, and then you look back and you're at the beginning of the road again. This means that it is not possible to move forward with change in the journey of self-discovery, in a real sense, on the inner plane. I think this is the biggest mistake of the journey of self-discovery: Expecting differentiation from outside…

 However, if you are really progressing in that journey, the indicator of this is not change, but the fact that you are experiencing the transformation process. Transformation is not a process that you do consciously by thinking, striving and trying to control it as it is experienced in change. Transformation requires change, but not every change means you transform. Physically, we can look at the caterpillar's transformation into a butterfly. There is no control in the transformation. The process happens by itself and all you have to do is stop controlling and surrender yourself to the flow, that path. Conversion is like a one-way ticket, once converted you can no longer go back. Because differentiation takes place within, not outside. Maybe you think, maybe your behavior, maybe your perception of life, an awareness you have gained… Whatever you have discovered about yourself, you start to look at life with those eyes now, and this inner change is reflected outside. The events, people and conditions around you begin to change. Sometimes slow, sometimes very fast… The person who undergoes transformation often finds himself in the process all of a sudden. Sometimes he realizes when he is inside, sometimes he starts to realize how far he has come on the road as he sees the differences in himself.

Transformation is such a process. Once you get on that road, life presents you with surprises even if you have difficulties. All you have to do is accept your invitation.

If you want to move forward on your journey of self-discovery, what I have to offer as a walker can help you move forward. With my mindfulness-based yoga classes that continue every week, you can look at your normal breathing and body without trying to differentiate, and start to develop acceptance for them by noticing your limits and without judging or trying to change your experiences. All these experiences will help by opening up space for the transformation in your life.

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2 years ago
