Wednesday Walk to the Voting Station

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2 years ago
Topics: Walk, Walking, Sports, Personal, Blog, ...

This is my first post in the Wednesday Walk community on Hive, but wanted to share it here on as well! The idea of the community is to take the time to go for a walk on wednesday, take pictures and make a post. I had a nice walk yesterday and one with a purpose as well. It was voting day yesterday in the Netherlands for the local council. I could decide where in my city I wanted to vote and decided to vote in the local park where there is a petting zoo, because I always wanted to see the petting zoo, but didn't want to pay to go in haha.

The Walk

The walk itself was only about 2 km, but a nice stretch of the legs to the local park next to our house. It was getting dark but I managed to shoot this beautiful picture of the lake near the park after I went to vote.

I love it when the water reflects the sky! But before I went to the lake I had already voted. In the Netherlands you can always recognize the voting station by these yellow signs:

The reason I chose to vote there and not in the voting station closer to my house was that I needed a walk, but also I was super curious about the petting zoo and wanted to see what it was like. The petting zoo is close to our house and I pass it often, but you have to pay to go in and I am always too cheap. So I had hoped to go in for free with the voting.

But alas! The petting zoo had already closed and the voting was in the building just in front of it. I did get to peek in through the entrance and saw these funny ducks with little fluffy tops on their heads, aren't they cute?

I then walked back via the water and came home refreshed from my walk and ready to get dinner started!

Hope you had a nice wednesday walk as well!

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$ 0.02 from @TheGuy
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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Walk, Walking, Sports, Personal, Blog, ...


I wanted to start my journey in Hive but I just don't know huhuhu. And aside from that, I lost my account :(

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Can you make a new account? You should have gotten a file with keys when you started hive, you need those passwords there to get in

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love walking too! It just clears my mind. Also, walking to lose some calories, haha! I think that last time I visited a zoo was 7 years ago.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah walking really clears the head! It had been a long time since I went to a zoo as well haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Despite the long walk you did, I guess you have enjoyed seeing those beautiful sight and wonders in your place my dear. :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah it was a nice walk!

$ 0.00
2 years ago