A Neolithic Weekend

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3 years ago

I hope you all had a great weekend! I had a good weekend, with some friends coming by, good food and a Neolithic theme to my weekend.

A New Game

So we had a friend over on Saturday and we decided to try a new board game that we bought last week, but hadn't got round to playing yet. Since it had been raining for two days straight it was the perfect time to sit inside and play some games!

So the game was lots of fun! It is a cooperative game, meaning you work together, which is good because I can get pretty competitive otherwise haha.

So the game is called Paleo: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/300531/paleo and you play with 2-4 people and together you are a Stone Age tribe with different characters like hunters, gatherers, watchers etc. Together you have to make sure you survive, if you collect 5 skulls you die, but if you manage together to make a cave drawing you win the game.

At first it took us quite some time to work out the rules, the rule book is huuuge and we got a bit overwhelmed.. But after two rounds we got the hang of it and finally got our lovely Neolithic friends win! Cool thing is you can play different scenarios of varying difficulty, that was really nice. We'll be playing it again

Talk and Food

Besides the game we just had a really good catch up with our friend, since we have moved we are a bit further from our friends so these times are precious.

The boys decided to cook up a good meal as well! This made me very happy as I am not a kitchen princess at all. They spend hours in the kitchen making a butter chicken curry from scratch and man that was good, so good in fact that we ate it all before I realized we should have taken a picture haha.

Our friend stayed over for the night and the next morning we had a blueberry pancake feast before he left. It was really nice to spend good time, good game and good food with each other. I always love spending time with friends, you feel really recharged after a weekend like that!

Hope you all had a good weekend too! What were you up to?

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Written by
3 years ago


That's really cool of you. Board game is really so much fun 😌 Have a good sunny Tuesday

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Thanks man! I had a super rainy Tuesday haha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very cool! It looks like a nice and unique board game. While I have never heard of Paleo before, it is one that I would be willing to try in the future, if only I could find the time...

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Yeah time is always the issue haha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

My weekend wasn't as exciting as yours. It was a busy one . It took all of my self will to write an article.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Sometimes busy weekends can be good too!

$ 0.00
3 years ago