How to Tax an anonymous stock market / tokonized asset

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4 years ago

Ever since SLP tokens were released I've given much thought on how exactly they they could be used. Especially since dividends were possible. It made it possible to easily distribute new tokens or BCH to holders. This possibility could completely revolutionize the stock market as it stands in its present form. Think about it today to buy a stock you need money, a broker, identification an address a social security number for taxes and much more. For What exactly, to own a piece of something you believe in. The reason you need to provide all this because the US government and the SEC says so. Why because government has gotten nosy they want to know where your money came from Why? Because your guilty until proven innocent in their eyes. They feel this is the only way they can trust you. Concurrency is trust-less you don't need to trust any other parties to transact. The government should be using this to their advantage. They should let any company easily register at a website to become eligible to create, sell and distribute tokens and dividends any way they like. The only time they should step in is if the company is trying to defraud its investors. You do not need to know a person to protect them from this all is published publicly to the blockchain. If a person chooses to remain anonymous that should be the choice of the person investing. It seems like the government is so concerned with knowing a customer is because of tax.

The Tax solution

The best way to get people to voluntarily provide information is to pay the person for it. A simple solution to KYC is make it to benefit the individual do not force it on them if someone wants to stay anonymous they should have the choice to do that as well. One way the government could do this is by using tax to give refunds based on what they charged the businesses. People who choose to register their purchases give them a refund on the purchase and dividends collected before purchase or distribution. In the end those looking for animinity will pay for it and benefit the US government and its citizens.

How to accomplish this

Government Sets up a website where businesses and users can easily sign up and register themselves make it mandatory for businesses that want to operate in the US. Make it clear and easy for everyone to understand and allow businesses to sell and distribute any tokens or money they want to anonymous steak holders. Base taxes to the business according to how much they want to try to raise or distribute. Most will likely pass these fees onto the purchaser or holder. The government should be able to easily find out how much was charged or distributed. Based on this is how would determine how much the government charged. The Government then would charge the company say 50% of the funds raised. Then users have the choice to go to the site and register what they hold. The government in turn returns the majority of the money back to the users that register themselves as the owner of the token. Then if a user decides to sell the token to someone else the government already knows the registered wallet and can easily follow where it went from there and if the next person decides to register as well they can easily go and track the transaction.

Its a win win business always has to work with government but it gives the person the choice to KYC with the government and if they do they receive a huge discount in the amount of tax that was paid for the security. And If someone wants to stay anonymous then they paid more tax to the government and the government can use those funds as needed. This could possibly lead to anyone willing to report to not have to pay any tax what so ever only the ones that have chosen to stay anonymous. Also if the government still feels they need more money they would easily be able to identify the user who registered and sold the token and could easy look at the transaction to see how much the person made on the token and charge them a capital gains. However I am hoping by charging enough in the first place the gains tax would only need to be a few percent if anything. I think everyone would end up winning.

This would also make it possible to own a fraction of a share and a user could buy fractions and not have to buy a whole or multiple share in the company allowing for much smaller investors to get in. Also giving a chance to anyone in the world to participate in the US economy.

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4 years ago
