Pixel Tycoons NFT

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Avatar for Pixel.Tycoons
2 years ago

Pixel Tycoons is a Nft Collection, in which you only need to own the right combination of Nfts to start producing more every week!

This Collection was born a bit over 6 months ago, starting with gamification aspects since day one up to the current date. 


The game counts:

- Over 50 Quests

- 3 Game Mechanics with NFT rewards

- Inner Market and Economy 

- Over 13k minted NFTs 

- Regular and Whitelisted Blends

- A telegram room with Dust Mining enabled. (Sync your wax wallet and earn $DUST with each mensage. Please keep the good content and dont spam, because there are consequences.)

- Ownership of 4 galactic123.net planets where some events are held.

- Token Staking for passive NFTs.

- Around 12 to 15 weekly active users.


 Base of Economy

Agriculture stands currently at the base of Pixel Tycoons economy. There are and will be economies that are independent from Agriculture and Farming, yet but this one is central to most of game play.


Farming Whitelisting Requirements


You will keep your Whitelisting Required NFTs. On this process of farming, they never leave your wallet.


Land Parcel 1x1

Land Parcel 1x1 is a key element that is required to perform certain actions on Pixel Tycoons game. It is a reusable/upgradeable/ingredient item.

Each land unit is limited to 1 crop per week.


Modest Farmer

Farmer is a key element that is required to perform certain actions in Pixel Tycoons game. It is a reusable and upgradeable NFT.


Farming Ingredients 

The Farming Ingredients are consumed in the process of farming. Those include Water and Seed Pack (random).



Water makes life as we know it possible. Water is a key element used in different operations inside Pixel Tycoons game.


Seed Pack (Random)

This pack contains a random seed! This mysterious seed has the potential to grow and produce another resource if conditions are met.


How can you do it?

If you are holding the nfts mentioned above…

1️⃣ Send 1 Water and 1 Seed to pixeltycoons (collection wallet address) while copying the transaction link that confirms the maneuver.

2️⃣ Paste the transaction link inside this Telegram Room: https://t.me/pixeltycoons_farmers

3️⃣ Wait until Monday when all the farming rewards are delivered.

4️⃣ You will earn a NFT Pack that contains 1 random crop. You can open it at: https://neftyblocks.com/c/pixeltycoons/packs


With your hard earned crops you can:

1️⃣ Engage on quests to flip them strategically into other nfts. Quest Room

2️⃣ Use them to feed your collector so that he can work for you. Collector Drop link

3️⃣ Wait for future Dish Blends

4️⃣ Get prepared to Upgrade your Modest Farmer and earn your Farmers License to be able to sell on the Pixel Tycoons Inner Market


Where to buy NFTs?

Collection on Atomic Hub

Nefty Blocks Drops

Secondary Market


Unfortunately there is no User Interface nor Smart Contracts to interact directly with the collection mechanics. Telegram is where all the magic has been happening, so if you hold pixeltycoons assets or simply want to know more, visit our Telegram

This collection is sustainable, affordable and designed for the masses. The biggest challenge for that accomplishment is not having a User interface nor Smart Contracts.


The game has been run by a Human Contract, me. Human Contracts are not trust-less like Smart Contracts, but over this span of time I have never left a request unanswered nor any pending mechanic execution. 


Website : https://pixeltycoons.wordpress.com/

Instagram @pixeltycoons_nft

Medium @pixeltycoons 

Telegram : https://t.me/pixeltycoons

$ 0.00
Avatar for Pixel.Tycoons
2 years ago
