Breast surgery

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3 years ago

Among all the possible interventions in cosmetic surgery, that of breast augmentation is one of the interventions that has the greatest demand from the female public. For a woman, the breasts are undoubtedly the most visible sign of femininity: if for various reasons (following a pregnancy, aging, weight loss ...) the breasts become empty, they come to missing an element that turns out to be fundamental for feeling like a woman.

The woman, therefore, feels a strong desire to regain the breast she had previously and thus resorts to cosmetic surgery.

For whom it is recommended Breast

augmentation is used to increase the volume of the breast and to improve its shape. This type of surgery is particularly suitable for small, underdeveloped breasts or breasts that have shrunk in volume and are slightly relaxed over time. If the relaxation is too excessive, it will be necessary to act later with a breast lift to relieve it; mastopexy is also used when the breasts are deformed or asymmetrical. Before undergoing breast augmentation surgery, it would be preferable that the development of the gland and breast were complete, that is, after 18 years. To perform at best during the surgery, the surgeon - before carrying out the operation - will perform a series of breast and chest measurements, will evaluate how firm and thick the skin is and finally, will establish the state of the mammary gland and its position.

Themoment of the operation

Breast augmentation surgery can be performed under general anesthesia, where the patient is completely asleep and breathing through a tube or mask; or, it can be performed under local anesthesia with sedation: in this case, the patient is sedated, the incisions and the intervention plans are anesthetized. The prosthesis is then inserted through an incision of about 5cm on the lower external quadrant or inframammary sulcus, or in the axillary cavity or in the lower contour of the areola. Another technique, little used, to insert breast implants is carried out transombelically by introducing only implants filled with physiological solution. Below the gland or pectoral muscle, a pocket is prepared, inside which the prosthesis will be inserted. Depending on how the surgery is performed, it may be likely that two drainage tubes will be placed, which will be stored after two days. The duration of the surgery can last from one to two hours. During the first few days, following the operation, the breasts may appear a little higher than normal; but in a period of time ranging from 3 to 6 weeks it positions itself in a natural way.

Afterthe operation

If the operation took place with the patient under general anesthesia, the latter must remain in absolute bed rest until the next day. It is allowed to drink and eat light food. The surgeon may administer analgesics or antibiotics. After the follow-up visit, the following day, the patient can go home. If the operation was performed under local anesthesia, the patient is discharged on the same day the surgery was performed. The patient will then have to undergo a visit after forty-eight hours and another visit to remove part of the stitches after 3 - 5 days. The rest of the stitches are completely removed after another week.

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3 years ago
