Understanding Covid-19 Through Cell Theory

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Avatar for Pinoyako07
3 years ago

Good evening guys, today we are going to investigate if corona virus is a bacteria or a virus, what is it's nature and how it is transmitted. Before we start investigating, we are going to identify first what is virus and bacteria and what are their differences.

Virus is smaller that bacteria and can't survive without a living host. A virus attach itself to cells and usually reprograms them to reproduce itself unlike bacteria, most virus do cause disease. Antibiotic can kill bacteria but can't kill virus.

According to the research, scientist believed that corona virus started from zoonotic and it has a close genetic similarity to bat, suggesting it emerged from a bat-borne virus. Corona virus can not reproduce by themselves. It contain instructions for how to copy itself but lack of tools and supplies to do it. That is why corona virus invade living cells and turn them into vurus-making factories. I can say that corona virus is really a virus and not a bacteria. The virus that causes corona virus is in a family of virus called Coronaviridae, i repeat CORONAVIRIDAE. Antibiotics can not treat corona virus. Some infected person can also develop a bacterial infection as a complication and that's why doctors prescribed to take some antibiotics.

Guys listen,this is really serious case so please follow the guideline in order to not be infected. Stay at home and stay healthy readcash friends. Good day!!

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Wow, think you're a science teacher or student. That was amazing my friend. But question... is it really a virus and not a bacteria? Because the World Health Organization believed or claimed it that it is just a bacteria and not a virus. Have a nice day. Good Morning.

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3 years ago