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3 years ago

As ambient sounds

gradually mutes into milder tones,

breaths battle to assuage.

Profound agonizing weak moans,

fall like disintegrating leaves -

I'm weak like an exposed tree.

Harvest time eyes look

towards my approaching winter garden.

Heart is a paper sack of feelings,

presently loaded with extra pieces -

where spring once converged with summer petals.

Brain is an unclear assortment of

memories and reflections -

overlooked recollections, unfulfilled guarantees,

words lost peacefully.

Fate tried with her games.

I am as yet an unassuming kid,

with no consideration for winning, nor losing -

agreeing to her impasse.

Lament is that untraveled way,

not following the signs - hesitant

to eat from the nursery of her Eden -

contemplating on the off chance that it merited the transgression.


so numerous watery eyes,

reverberate like violin tears.

Earthy colored, green and blue -

however, I don't see hers.

Unmoving with shudders and chills,

Lights are diminishing, quietness is showing.

In murkiness, outlines show up,

as life vanishes -

I can scarcely hear the music.

Our life is a sonnet,

each beat of our souls a drop of ink.

Some abandon words,

some clear pages.

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3 years ago
