Unguarded Connections

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2 years ago

All of our relationships are based on how we feel about ourselves. It has an impact on how we speak; whether we dare to speak or not; if we brusquely close discussions to keep people from getting too near; whether we feel compelled to demonstrate authority by authoritarian or opinionated behavior; or whether we succumb to being critical and reducing people to size.

Building relationships with significant individual and improving interpersonal communication skills are two ways to boost self-esteem. The first is the process of creating trust, which occurs between the ages of birth and 18 months. When a child's link with his or her parent or guardian is complete, he or she will have faith in the environment and the future. Otherwise, the youngster would develop a sense of distrust and apprehension about the future. The level of trust established in early life has a significant impact on adult relationships.

When a child enters school age, instructors and classmates take on the role as the most important source of trust.

Adolescent emerge from childhood with a desire to put their faith in the opposing sex. Many people experience sentiments repression, socially withdrawn behavior, serious depression, and even suicidal impulses as a result of failure, embarrassment, and rejection during dating. Many young people can overcome their anxiety of forming long-term, trusting friendships if they are aware of their mistrustful attitude.

Accepting the other person for who he or she is is essential to developing a trusting connection. That means no pointing fingers, passing judgment, or attempting to alter the other person. Anxieties, frustrations, hopes, goals, and awkward ness must all be shared by both parties.

The above actions cannot be completed without complete confidentiality. In an unguarded connection, knowing how to conceal a secret is very crucial.

Good interpersonal communication also contributes to self-esteem. Consider what others are thinking and feeling. Rather than listening with our ears, most of us listen with our eyes. Ask open-ended inquiries that allow the other person to respond. People who are hesitant or unwilling to examine conditions benefit from open-ended questioning.

Another aspect of active listening is receiving feedback. This is a process in which two people check to see if they understand each other's point of view. It's a way of double-checking the message, clarifying information, and describing how well the other person communicates nonverbally and vocally. Ask questions to ensure that you understand what the individual sending you the message is thinking. What you hear may not be what the sender actually means due to variances in family, cultural, and societal meanings of words. Consider what information you're getting via gestures, eye contact, facial expressions, and verbal inflections to make sure you're getting the whole meaning of the message.

By guarding our self, we can't express what's deep within. It will be tantamount to no freedom at all with regards to our feelings towards another.

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$ 0.03 from @TheRandomRewarder
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2 years ago
