Bad start and ending

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4 years ago

I most of the time feel bad at the end of the day and also at the time of starting. Whenever i wake up in the morning, whatever the time is, at very early or late, i just feel a bad vibe. I feel an emptiness. Feel that i have nothing to do in life. A vibe which makes me feel negative. Then i switch on my mobile and go to facebook, scroll down the home page. Look people's reaction. Then i try to fixup my mood. And go for the regular works.

Again the same thing happens at night. When i go to sleep. An emptiness surrounds me and make me feel a bad vibe. Such a horrible and awful things.

I don't know what to do about it. But i try not to feel such bad mood.

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It is always good to reshape the day whatever the start brings. The start shouldn't determine the end. Thanks.

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4 years ago

Thank you dude for this comment. I try to cheer up my mood by thinking something nice. As i don't want to end up with that bizarre mood.

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4 years ago