That Extra in the Ordinary

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1 year ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Experiences, Story, Thoughts, ...

Divine appointments.

Image source : screenshot from Google. 
Definition source: in screenshot

Seems there really are days when ordinary gets bumped up to become extra.

... i know a story.....

Jesse stares at the display board of the Macca's he went into and watches as his number gets queued up in the "Now Preparing..." screen. He is about to go for a long drive out of his neighborhood to distress. He thought of picking out a take out from the fast food might be a good idea. It is about to get late and he might not be able to find any more place to eat along the way.

He rubs his arms for warmth. The aircon in the place is really chilly. It must be because there are only few people dining in. Of course, it is already 10pm on a Friday. People won't be in the fast food chain if they are out, they would be in the clubs. He looks around and notices how calm and quiet the usual fast food place is. Now the thought of changing his mind from taking the food out to dining in starts playing in his head.

The crew from the waiting counter shouts for a number. And the customer took it. Jesse glances up to the board again and sees that his order is about to be called out. He watches the crew as he assembles the final item in his order.

Anticipating the crew screaming his number, he approached the counter. He picked his take out paper bag and checked the orders. He walked to the door but decided to stop by one table as he fixed his fries with flavors first. He likes to prepare his fries while it's hot. That way, the powdered flavor will really stick to the sticks.

While shaking the bag of fries, he thought maybe it is the proper thing to do after all - to dine in instead. That way, he would not have to think of the trash he would be bringing with him in his car, or to his destination. If he would not be able to find a nearby garbage bin, he would allow his wraps to stay in his car for a while. The thought of it made him unhappy.

So he took his stuff and while shaking his bag of fries, he scanned the near empty fast food and looked for a "clean" table. Spotting one, he started to take his food out of the paper bag and unwrapped his burger, opened his box of nuggets, opened the dip, and started taking himself to tummy munchy wonder world.

Two more pieces and he's almost done, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Before he looked up, he tried to remember if he parked his car properly and if this man is calling his attention to move his car. But then he did park properly. He wondered what this guy wants. So he looked up and saw it was his old friend or acquaintance. They live in the same neighborhood but really barely got to talk. The last time they talked was about the business venture the friend had and he supported by buying some of the goods he is selling.

The neighbor friend is a hard working fella. He is doing good trying to find ways to provide for his family and not bum around and complain about life's weird and unfair cards.

They talked for a while. Jesse invited the neighbor to have a seat and join him with his late dinner. They had a good talk. Jesse got to tell him about other ways he can save up through the web banks lately that offer a good interest rate that you get to see credited to your account daily.

It may not be a huge thing but it is better than having no savings at all. Neighbor friend has been talking to his other friends about some opportunities to "get more money' but it does cost a lot to start even. So Jesse encouraged the neighbor friend to at least do secure some of his finances and make it grow passively.

Agents do talk big on possible income and may sound like they do guarantee you that your investment will give you huge return and stuff but they really do not guarantee and cannot guarantee absolute earnings when the world economy starts to affect the performances. No business or investment is exempted for when these things start going downhill. Jesse had to let the neighbor friend know.

Baby steps.

Make what you have grow while building the amount to invest someday. No quick cash in this life.

My shot.. from my stash of pixels captured.. 

After some time, neighbor friend needed to leave and pick up a delivery order. They bade farewell and pretty soon Jesse got up and went on his way as well.

While going to the car, Jesse shook his head in disbelief. That one few second of a decision to stay, he got to impart a few opportunity and options with his friend. At least he gets that assurance that his neighbor friend will not easily bite on the "huge money back" schemes some of the people neighbor friend is talking to.

Baby steps.

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1 year ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Experiences, Story, Thoughts, ...
