Run away from procrastination: fight for your goals!

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1 year ago

A number of people define procrastination as putting off a task that makes them unhappy until a later time. While this definition is understandable, it is not universal. In particular, it does not apply to children and students. For those people, the definition of procrastination is delaying something pleasurable until later. Therefore, the word 'procrastinate' is not always negative.

The word 'procrastinate' comes from the Latin 'procrastinare,' which means to skip ahead or to defer. Basically, this is the act of putting off something that makes you unhappy till a later time. In general, the act of postponing something unpleasant makes us reluctant to engage in that activity at all. However, there are many different reasons that we do this. For example, college students may postpone their assignments to watch TV or play on their electronic devices. In addition, parents may postpone their work till dinner time so they can spend more time with their families. In addition, people in high-stress situations may delay tasks till they have time to relax afterward.

Understanding what defines procrastination can be difficult. Essentially, this is because many people define it differently. For example, some see procrastinating only when they delay unpleasant tasks- like unfinished assignments. Others see children and students as high-level procrastinators since they avoid tasks they find enjoyable. Other people view stress as a reason for delay as well- which increases after a disaster or other high-stress situation. In addition, procrastinators avoid confronting issues at all costs since doing so makes them uncomfortable.

Procrastination can be overcome by first acknowledging and understanding your motives for delaying tasks. You should know why you avoid the tasks you do- and what motivates you to continue avoiding them. Doing this allows you accessive and satisfying tasks without allowing yourself to feel guilty afterward. It is important to understand what causes your reluctance to tackle your problems head-on. Once you have identified your triggers, you can work on overcoming your avoidance behavior through positive thinking and self-confidence techniques.

Although it's not always negative, the word 'procrastinate' has many definitions in common language. People who define it as putting off something unpleasant till later are right most of the time. However, children and students also tend to put off tasks they find enjoyable till later. Understanding one's reasons for delaying can help with overcoming this habit. It's important to understand why you avoid tasks that make you happy; once conquered, procrastination may no longer hold sway over your life choices at all.

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