Power in word

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4 years ago

Hi there, 

How has being our day. I wanna believe it's going so well. 

​I want to share with us what I called the power in the words of our mouth. 

The power of life and death is in the tongue and the words it produces. Let's always think before we speak, and always to speak things that are constructive and will bring about delight and development in the other person. 

The word we speak with our mouth can make a good person to be bad and a bad person to be good. Let's do away with the habit of disgracing our fellow humans in the public. If anyone offends you or speak something that you don't like to you, welcome to the person privately and let them know what they did that's wrong. 

In a nutshell, let's make use of our tongue in a constructive manner. 

Thanks for your time and attention... 

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