Curious about the usefulness of baby powder

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4 years ago

Are baby powder and adult powder made from the same product. I mean are they both products of talc? Why then do I find baby powder repulsive.

I had from when I was a child not like the fragrance of baby powder but can't explain why. I was even at a point thinking that it is the baby who is giving the podwer the frangrance. I mean whatever you rub on the baby in the name of s powder just begin to smell that way. But wait a minute why do we rub powder on babies seeing they hardly sweat. And there is this one they call dusty powder specially formulated for sweat used when the baby develop rashes.

I ask again should baby be powdered? I we trying to teach them fashion from credle? I asked because I know that the powder belong to the beauty kit. All least one of the weapons make up or faking beauty 😀. 

On a serious note what are the advantages of using powder on babies. if you know please tell me.

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