Agriculture is Important

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4 years ago

Agriculture is the main occupation of people in Nigeria, especially those in the rural areas. It plays a major role in the lives of the people. It provides employment. Very many people depends on it to make a living. More than 65% of strong and healthy people in the country practise one type of farming or the other.

Agriculture provides food for the large population of the country. Everybody needs food whether one is a farmer,doctor, teacher and so on.

One many occasions, one sees young, strong men developing one health problem or the other because of lack of regular physical exercise. This is common among office workers who sit down and work for long hours under air conditioners. They need to exercise and sweat to keep healthy. Agriculture givesvgood health. When working on the farm, or taking care of fishes, poultry or cattle, one does a lot of exercises and sweat. That is why one hardly sees a hardworking farmer with pot Belly!

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