Tab Killing Tome!!!

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Avatar for Philomath
2 years ago

Since things are gone pretty easy for us it is nothing short of a bitter truth that we being extremely lazy and procrastinating have completely lost the sense of going through the burden of ploughing out facts from piles of documents and books. We have everything on our fingertips and we dont ever feel the need to memroize anything or say we dont feel that there is a huge lot of difference between a book and a screen, a page and a pad. Long gone the time when you had to thoroughly savour and digest the contents of a book in how long a time you wished. The habit of book reading has been brutaly murdered by the easy way of accesing knowledge, the internet. Everything is so clearly close to us yet still far and far away. We are being constantly bombarded by tons of information daily that we have since lost the sense of retaining it.

I myself have found it quite challenging to develop such a productive habit, after beeing indolent and negligent for quite sometime. I have had always yearned for reading the books I cherished. But I am trying to keep up with this new hobby of mine by placing it in the hectic routine of mine of keeping up with two courses at a time. After only weeks of reading self help books I have genuinely found changes in myself, watching history movies and videos on YouTube is clearly different and quite less rewarding than reading a historical novel or a history book. The aroma of a gently baked book is not only sufficient to delight the mind but also makes the mind yearn to not only consume but also to assimilate it in our soul.

I would suggest everyone that if they cannot replace the toxity of social media from their lives they must try to maintain a healthy balance between the quick paced ready to consume fast food sort of internet information and the three course meal type book reading.

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