Bitter melon with a scientific name of Momordica charantia colloquially with other terms of bitter apple bitter gourd bitter squash balsam-pear with many more names mentioned below is a tropical and subtropical vine of the Cucurbitaceae family, widely grown for its edible fruits in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. Its several varieties vary greatly in fruit type and bitterness.
And this are the nutritional facts about bitter melon:
1.) Helps to maintain your blood sugar levels
2.) Decrease bad cholesterol levels
3.) Helps to glowing hair and skin
4.) Removes hangovers and cleanses the liver
5.) It also helps in weight loss
6.) It enhances your immune system
7.) Healthy for your eyes
Trivia: did you know that ampalaya is not listed in the Philippine song named "bahay kubo" but ampalaya is a vegetable that produces in many farms here in the Philippines. You don't know? Now you know! Have a healthy afternoon everyone readcash users.