2020 ReadCash user throwback

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8 months ago

Hello readcash user!, I am an old user of readcash and I did not deny that this site helps me when I was a teen 3 years ago and after thinking about what did I do when I have no job I remember that this site helps me a lot because of the tip boths and other donators. I do lots of important things after I leave this site but it reminds me to go back in this site since I really want to wrote something even I am not grammatically correct most of the time.

The largest tip that I received before I think is more than 1 dollar for one article but I cannot locate it to verify. To those who are aspiring writers, don't lose hope and express what you want to express. I remember some people that are still here and in fact after I opened this site I saw ma'am Jane here but I can't tag her.

Thank you for having time to read this hope you will also remember something about your past that will bring it to your future.

$ 0.00
Sponsors of Ph.news-2020


You can use Grammarly to help you write better. It was adv8ced 3 years ago too.

Welcome back. 🍀❤️

$ 0.00
8 months ago