Looking at a glass, which is filled up with water up to half way, in regards of quantity it will be always the same amount. The question is, that is it half full or half empty? In other words are you optimist or pessimist?
Optimists believe, that sooner or later a difficult situation they live in, will turn alright and everything will be better. If you are a pessimist person you can find a way to optimism by following these key points I am talking about in this article.
An optimist understands that life can be a bumpy road, but at least it is leading somewhere. They learn from mistakes and failures, and are not afraid to fail again. - Harvey Mackay
Consciousness and self-knowledge
I am sure during your life many people from work, family members or friends asked about your well being. A simple answer to a simple question.
-"How are you?"
-"I am fine, thank you."
In many cases, we say we are fine or well even if we are not. This simple and short answer comes from a routine. Are we really fine? Are we really well? I am not necessarily thinking about our health in terms of having a cold or a flu. We can be unwell in many other ways, such as mentally, psychically or spiritually. The question "how are you" is a very broad term. If we are really aware of our well being, then that could be the first step to find a way to be optimistic.
The other important thing, that we have to mention here is, the self-knowledge. How well do you know yourself. It is important to know ourselves in respect of inner characteristic. We tend to speak about our positive personality. Most people don't admit, that they have imperfection. Nobody is perfect. Self-knowledge has an impact on our relationship, how we recognize other people's feelings, how we deal with our sufferings.
Patience and humbleness
It is hard to be patient for instance, when we are looking forward to something very much and that time doesn't want to come. Or we are a bit restless and we want our things to be done as soon as possible. Always remember "haste makes waste". When I was young I didn't really understand this term. I am basically a patient person, but when we are young we often do things without hesitation, which could lead to a thoughtless decision.
I think most people mix humbleness with humiliation. These two are not the same thing. When we humble, we accept and respect what is going on around us. I am thinking mostly about negative things here. Sometimes we just have to accept the fact, that something did not turn out the way we wanted it to be turned out. Instead of being angry or disappointed in these situations, we can go ahead and think about what we can do, something that makes us happy and actually useful to do.
The whole life is an opportunity for making decisions. We always try our best to decide to do the right things. One of the decisions, that we can make is to escape from danger or face it. If we face it, it doesn't necessarily mean, that we are brave. I would rather call it recklessness. If we accept the fact, that we escape, because we are afraid of the consequences, that could happen or failure, nevertheless in that moment, we can decide to commit anything against the danger. I call it bravery.
To be alert is a must. There are lots of situations in life, when alertness is vital to avoid, for example an accident. Let's think about it a minute. It can be anything we do, if we do it from a routine, it means we do not concentrate as much as we would concentrate if we would be alert. However, when accident happens and I accept, that I was the one who caused it, then I know I was alert, but at the same time the number of accidents can be reduced with alertness.
Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress. - Nicholas M. Butler
Optimisim is actually a second name of hope. People who is pessimistic has no hope of good future or good things. Optimistic person is always satisfied with their life. They always see good in every bad moment. They accept challenges.