Narcissism is a personality disorder, that causes people to become more and more absorbed in themselves and to put themselves and their desires and wants ahead of the needs of others. If you believe, that you are special and deserve everything you've got, you may suffer from narcissistic personality disorder. It's natural, though, to focus on yourself and the needs of others can sometimes get in the way of self-love and self-care. Narcissism is all about positive attention. Self-love, on the other hand, is about understanding the needs of others, even if their needs are not recognized. Acknowledging the needs of others not only helps you maintain a healthy relationship, but also helps your mental health.
Self-love and putting yourself first are not bad things, but they can be damaging, when not balanced with healthy relationships. For example, if you put yourself first every time and put everyone else second, you'll eventually suffer. The same is true if you put everyone else first and ignore your own needs. Even putting others first if it comes at the expense of your own happiness is not worth it. It is not self-love to put yourself last, in other words. Self-love can be a challenge for everyone.
Narcissism - Objectifying Relationship With One's Own Body
The main problem in dealing with the objectification of one's own body is the lack of boundaries. If you're not careful, you can find yourself doing things, that you're not comfortable doing. You can become so enamored with your body, that you lose touch with your feelings. This is a slippery slope and it's easy to find yourself in an abusive relationship with your body if you aren't careful.
As a result of objectifying one's own body, it is also common to engage in objectifying others. A woman, who is not in control of her own body can be dangerous. If a woman spends all of her time focused on the physical aspects of a man, rather than the mind, she's not likely to get too attached and will almost always be seeking out a new body to fill her needs.
The more time you spend focused on your physical body and the less time you spend thinking about the man inside of your head, the easier it is to enjoy the physical benefits of a relationship with a man, but forget about all the responsibilities, that come with it.
One of the most common problems that, come with a relationship with one's physical body is the inability to "stay in the moment," to use a phrase. You can't enjoy the moment, if your attention is constantly divided. Look after yourself, especially physically. Take proper care of your mind and body.
Self-Love - Being Kind To Oneself
There are many benefits to loving yourself. Perhaps the most important is the boost you get in your motivation and confidence. You begin to see yourself as a worthwhile person and become happier with yourself. This makes it easier for you to lend a helping hand to others as well. You begin to practice healthy relationship patterns. You start learning to love and respect yourself before you can truly love and respect another.
Self-love also involves putting yourself first. Sometimes this is easier said than done, but it's important. Everyone needs a well-rounded life, that includes taking care of yourself. It's okay to go to the gym, have a massage or take time for yourself. It's okay to spend time with friends or go see a movie. It's okay to spend money on what you want. It's your body, you know what is best for it.
When you put yourself first, others will tend to put themselves second, while you'll be the one always making the sacrifices. When you love yourself, you have the right to love another. Look after yourself, physically and mentally. Make sure you are eating the right foods, getting enough rest and taking the time to relax.
Why Self-Love Is Important
Self-love is an important value, because if you don't love yourself, it's hard to love anyone else. If you don't love yourself, you are not going to make the best choices for your life. You will be more likely to act out of anger and resentment, rather than love and kindness.
If you don't take care of yourself, your self-esteem will be low and you will have a harder time trusting others. When you have low self-esteem, you are less likely to believe, that people like you and you will always be looking over your shoulder to make sure no one is out there to get you. This can make you prone to paranoia and a general dislike of most people. It can also lead to substance abuse, eating disorders, risky behavior and other problems.
If you don't take care of your mind, it will not be healthy. You will find yourself not able to focus or even retain information. This will make it harder to pass tests, do well in school or even hold a job. Having a positive outlook on life is the key to a successful self-esteem and a happy life.
How To Know When Self-Love Is Too Much
It's okay to love yourself, but not all self-love is good. If you start worshiping the ground you walk on, you will become self-important and unable to see other people's points of view. If you start treating yourself as the center of the universe and ignoring or even bullying others to get your way, your self-love is gone.
When self-love becomes an obsession, it can make you act like a spoiled child. Any type of self-love, that involves harming others or others being obliged to put you ahead of everyone else is sick and needs to be reined in before it gets worse and someone gets hurt.
When you start to hate or even fear others, because they disagree with you or don't share your views and become so unreasonable, that you cannot compromise, you have lost all sense of self-love. You are now forced to lash out against others in order to feel good about yourself. This is a sure sign, that you no longer know who you are. You need to be able to separate what you want from a desire and what you need from a physical need.
Thank you for reading!
No greater love then self love