Interview With Peter Molnar: He Gave An Interview To "The Writer's Corner"

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2 years ago
Topics: Writing, Freewrite
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This is going to be a lot of fun I guess. I had this idea to create an imaginary interview, where I am giving an interview for a writer's magazine as a writer. I think it is going to be challenging too. I thought why not add this to the other challenges, that is already taking place here on Read.Cash. If you want to join see the rules in the footer.

Having said that, let's dive into it.

This is an interview with a writer Peter Molnar, who was invited today to give an interview to us here at our magazine called: The Writer's Corner.

-Good afternoon Peter! Thank you for accepting our invitation. It is a pleasure to have you here.

-Good afternoon! Thank you for inviting me. This is going to be my first interview as a writer so I am very excited about it.

-That's great so let's start. Shall we?


Could You Write For A Living?

Absolutely! I mean there are a lot of people write online or offline and they have a decent income from just writing. It can be books, articles for magazines, creating content for others as a full time writer and there are many other ways to make money from writing.

Do You Have Any Advice For New Writers?

Yes, don't give up! Even if you think your story is bad it doesn't necessarily mean, that you won't get better at it. There are so many different genres out there and every one has its own rules and conventions. Just keep trying new things and never stop learning about the craft of writing.

What Are Your Future Plans?

I am currently working on my second novel and plan to continue doing that for quite some time. After that I would like to try something else, but I don't know what yet.

How Can Readers Contact With You?

I can be found online on social media, I have a Twitter account under the same name as this interview. I also have a website, where they can contact me if they wish.

What Made You To Become A Writer?

I learned to write for my own entertainment, when I was very young. I would spend hours writing stories about my friends and making up games involving the characters. I never thought, that I would get paid for this, let alone be a professional writer. However, as they often say, if you want something, you should pursue it. I thought I would never be able to make a living doing this, but here I am, so here is how I did it.

Do You Have A Favorite Book Or Author?

Yes, I love the works of James Patterson. His writing is so adventurous and fun. My favorite ones from him are "Run For Your Life" and "Step On A Crack". I also like books, that make me think.

Do You Have A Specific Writing Regimen?

When I write, I try to do it first thing in the morning. I think this is a good time, as my brain is not tired at all for writing. Sometimes though, it just doesn't work out. Yesterday I tried writing a story right before bed, and I just couldn't get into the mood. So I didn't finish it. It sucks, because I had the first two pages written, and it would have set up the rest of the story nicely. Oh well, live and learn.

What's Your Favorite Quote?

"I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn." - Anne Frank

What's Your Writing Process?

I have a very vivid process. It may seem strange, but it works for me. I pick a time and place. I close my eyes and visualize everything. I picture a room, or a street, or even a forest. I fill my mind with all of the characters. I notice what they are saying, I notice what they are doing. Then, I start writing. I try very hard not to think too much about it. If I over think it, it won't come out as well as I want. So I just dive in, feel everything, and let the story flow out.

Do You Have Any Writing Prompts?

No. I have never used writing prompts in the past, and I don't think I ever will. It takes my mind off of my problems when I do this. I find that writing about a certain situation can help me come to grips with my own.

What's Your Favorite Non-Writing Habit?

Aside from writing, I love to draw. I can spend hours and hours on a piece of art, without even eating or drinking. It's a great way for me to forget about everything.

What Was Your Writing Process For Your New Book "Silence?"

I wrote "Silence" completely differently from how I usually do. I usually start off with a detailed outline, though I'll be the first to admit that it's not always necessary. For "Silence," I started off with the basic idea, and then just let it flow in the way it wanted to. Not every story works that way, but it really opened up a new creative side of me.

I would get these crazy ideas, that I just had to write about, and I would. It's amazing what can happen when you abandon all sense of planning for a story. So if you're struggling to write your next story, I would suggest just letting it flow, don't try to figure out what's going to happen next, or even where it's going. Just do it. I think you'll be surprised at what you end up writing.

What's The Most Memorable Reaction You've Gotten From A Reader?

The best reaction I've ever gotten was from a reader, whose name is Jayne. She said, that I had inspired her to leave the city she lived in, and travel. She also told me, that I should pursue writing as a career, because I had a natural talent for it. All of these things I will never forget. It just touched my heart so much.

What's Your Favorite Part Of Writing?

To be honest, sometimes I feel depressed during writing, when I stuck. I don't feel great about myself, like I could do better. Writing is such an emotional rollercoaster for me. Then the story ends, and that sadness is replaced with a new emotion, one of which I can't even explain. For me, writing is bittersweet.

What's The Most Challenging Part Of Writing?

One of the most challenging parts of writing, is writing about my family. Not because I don't want to, or because they wouldn't be interesting. It's just that it's real life, and I have a hard time separating what actually happens from what I make up. I'm currently writing a story about my great uncle, and I'm having a hard time getting him to behave the way I want him to. He's a good man, but he has his faults. Just like everyone else. I'd hate to tarnish his name, because he is a great man. So I'm having trouble making him do things in the story.

Does Writing Ever Fulfill Any Of Your Fantasies?

Honestly, no. Writing never fulfilled any of my fantasies. I've had a few stories published, but none of them have ever become a best seller. So it doesn't fulfill my fantasies in that regard. Writing is an escape for me. A way to let out my anger, my emotions and my problems.

What's The Worst Thing About Writing?

The worst thing about writing, is when stories don't turn out the way you want them to. You work so hard on a story, and you get all these ideas, and you have a vision in your head, but it doesn't always turn out that way. There have been a few stories, that didn't turn out the way I wanted. It sucks, because you pour your heart and soul into it. You're not thinking about anything else except getting that story out, and then it ends up completely different from the vision you had.

How Do You Chose What Stories To Work On?

That's a good question. Well, originally I would choose stories by popular demand. I would read stories that people liked, and choose to work on them. But that quickly became a terrible method of choice. People's taste in stories can be all over the place, and it's hard to please everyone. So I stopped doing it. Now, I choose the stories to work on based off of what I'm feeling. If a story grabs my interest, then I'll work on it. Sometimes, that happens a lot less often than it should, but fortunately the people, who do enjoy my stories are dedicated fans, who will read my stories over and over again even if they don't like them. So it's a good system of sorts.

What Are You Most Proud Of?

I'm most proud of how loyal my readers are. They've stuck with me through out all the stories I've written, even the terrible ones. They give me suggestions on how to improve my stories and for that, I will always be thankful.

What Do You Enjoy Most About Writing?

I enjoy writing about tragedies. Mass murders, tragedies involving war, you name it. I find those to be much more interesting to write about than, say a story about a wily fox having fun hunting rabbits. But that's just me.

What Is Your Favorite Story Of Your Own?

That's hard. There are so many stories I've created, and each one of them have their fans. So I'll go with the story, that received the most positive feedback. That would be the "Last Sacrifice". I was surprised, when people seemed to enjoy it. It's not my usual type of story, but there are a few selected stories I'll write anyway.

-Thank you so much Peter for being here with us this afternoon.

-It was an absolute pleasure.

I know, that @JRamona20 and @Ellehcim love to write challenges. Feel free to participate in this one if you wish.

The rules for this challenge.

  • Make at least 15 questions.

  • Be original as always.

  • Tag me in your post.

  • Invite at least one of your friends.

It does not have to be about writing. You can be anything you can imagine an actor, an actress, an artist, a singer, a photographer or anything you want to be. I am looking forward to seeing what is your interview looks like.

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Avatar for Peter-Molnar
2 years ago
Topics: Writing, Freewrite


Your idea of conducting your own interview is very creative. I found it very funny. I write according to what comes to my mind. Sometimes I am ready to go to bed when a clear message comes to my mind. Then I get up and write as far as my imagination can go.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That would be very good to read your post about it. I don't know how I came up with this. It just popped into my mind. I like to watch interviews on youtube about my favorite band. Maybe that's why.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's a good challenge, and you did a great interview. At some point, I wondered how much is fiction and how much is reality if there are some real experiences on this;) Have you written fiction stories?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are some real elements in there. My dream is to write a book a short novel or like very short stories combined in a book. I like James Patterson that is real.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well, I hope your dream comes true. And it's not that difficult to achieve. You just have to write those short stories that are in your mind to start! ;)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh this one is cool, but I'm not really sure if I make it, maybe i should try it 🤔

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Go for it! It is fun to do.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Interviews really makes me nervous and away to overcome it is to practice in front of a mirror.. And try to answer possible questions that would be asked during an interview..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Interviews are always stressful especially when you could lose a position by giving a bad interview. I hate job interviews.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow! And I was about to ask where I can read your stories, then I realized some parts here are fictional. Hahaha! I will make one too!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Most of it is fictional. I do like James Patterson though and my dream is to write a book even if it is an ebook I wouldn't mind.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Does Writing Ever Fulfill Any Of Your Fantasies?

Writing can make my fantasy real . through writing fantasy stories .. Lol.. I can create a boyfriend in my stories..A luxurious life, and travel to my dream places . lol 🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is very true. It is another possible answer to that question. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love this peter.😊 This is quite challenging too. I'll try this one. Thank you for this peter... ❤️

God bless you always...🙏❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I knew you would love it. I am looking forward to reading your one. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes it's quite challenging peter. Thank you..❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You know When I first saw the post title I was like wtf 😒 . I thought it was mistake 😃🤣. Interview With Peter Molnar 😳😅🤣 Keep asking myself then who was the one who wrote the post.

Until I read the intro and realized it was the Same peter Molnar we know. Nice 👍🏻

$ 0.05
2 years ago

A bit tricky isn't it? I was thinking to reveal the whole thing at the end, but then I thought it is better in the intro.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Then am glad you did 🙂

$ 0.00
2 years ago