How To Achieve Things, That You Want

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Avatar for Peter-Molnar
3 years ago

What are we most aware of in different areas of life, whether it is what we don't want or what we do want?

Most people start something with a clear idea of what they don't want. Let's stop here for a moment. If we start something thinking about what we don't want, we'd better not start at all. We won't be successful, because we'll focus on what we don't want and the things we don't want will come up. That's for sure.

What we think or focus on will always happen. Our thoughts make us act and we act accordingly what and how we think. If we think about what we don't want, we will have to face those things in the first place.

Let's look at what happens when our attention is on what we don't want. These are usually things that are unpleasant, dangerous, bad or lack of something that is important to us.

When our attention is on something, that could involve some form of loss, we feel a sense of fear within ourselves. The fear is the result of what we have set in motion in our mind. When we focus on losses, problems, we develop a stressful state within us, which causes tension.

Image Source: Unsplash via Darius Bashar

For example, at the beginning of a new relationship, we may think of things we don't want. These can be: lying, unfaithfulness, fighting, jealousy, insulting, inquiring and many more.

If we concentrate on the things I mentioned above, so that they don't develop, then in fact all we are doing is preparing ourselves to look for these things, so we will be suspicious, we will be constantly asking ourselves questions about whether our partner are telling the truth, whether our partner are not deceiving us. As a result, we will be jealous and we will start quarrels ourselves.

What we don't want, we focus on them in our mindset and create them. It may be, that with the same man or woman another person could have a completely honest and harmonious relationship. It's not our partner, that makes us suspicious, it's because we have created this suspicious, fearful situation by putting our attention on those things.

Once we are clear about what we want and let's just stay at relationships, we will move towards and act on what is in our minds.

For example: we want to have good conversations, achieve common goals, achieve common successes, have lots of laughter and happiness, then we will try to initiate conversations, try to be humorous and work towards achieving those common successes, rather than constantly checking up on our partner. This will make us more relaxed, balanced and happy in our relationships.

Image Source: Unsplash via Nathan Dumlao

We don't need to go too far. This is exactly the situation we are in today. People who think, that they do not want more quarantines, more measures, more illnesses, more social distancing, more deaths, more vaccines, side effects, complications, dangers and losses, are under stress. It is an avoidance fear oriented thinking, that causes persistent stress, their lives can become critical and they can become aggressive.

They are the ones, who have a disease consciousness. They want to protect themselves, they want to be cautious and they think they are being realistic and rational. In reality, they see only the dangerous side of everything and they see sickness and death hanging in front of their eyes.

Image Source: Unsplash via Brett Jordan

In fact, all we have to do is think about things like health, healthy eating, vitamins, exercise, keeping in touch with family and friends, joy, happiness and laughter. All positive things and if we have these things in our minds, we will act in this way and in a situation like this, which is present in our world right now, we can still feel good. This positive thinking in this case equals health consciousness, as opposed to disease consciousness.

There are always two sides of the coin and we must recognise them. Those people who are realistic are those who can see the dangers, that lie ahead and can see what they can do, what the opportunities are. When they see both sides of the coin and are aware and able to think rationally, then they will go towards the positive side of the coin. Their mind is full of life and how to live the life they want. They will achieve the things, that they want.

Lead Image Source: Unsplash via Hieu An Tran

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Avatar for Peter-Molnar
3 years ago


I agree with you. If we are going to have negativity in thoughts we will attract everything negative for sure. It is not necessary to see that things are bad and repeat all the time the same thing. Because when will we rid our thinking of what is going wrong if we don't stop thinking about it. Thanks for mentioning me in your article, I appreciate it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are welcome. Thanks for reading and upvoting.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Simple formula to achieve anything "do hard work"

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, there is no doubt about it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the mention 🙈🙈🙉

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks a lot for your mention, my friend. I also agree, to not dwell on the negativities much for all our encounters. Though being 'alert' of some not-so-good scenario is also advised so you don't trust more than 100%. Balance is still the best, since forced positivity is not the way to go as well. If we think right, we do right. Just like how our positive mindset works.

Anyway, just a little concern. In the latter part, I saw the word 'positive' spelled as "Pozitive". You can correct it when you have time.

Thanks a lot for this, and have a happy day!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I corrected it. Thank you. More eyes see more. :) Yes balance is important too. That's why I said the coins have two sides. We have to recognise the danger and act to find the solution. Thanks for your time. Have a nice day too. Here is nearly midnight so I am getting ready to sleep.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Have a good night! :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago