6 Things To Apply To Live A Balanced Life

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Avatar for Peter-Molnar
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Blogging, Thoughts

I know what it's like to be desperate, but I am not willing to go through with it again and again. I've been spinning my wheels for too long now and there has got to be another way. It's time to take action and change things around. The only thing I can think of is to try something new. Something different, something better!

Sometimes I feel I want to reach a different destiny. Time to fulfill my potential. I feel it's time to move on to bigger and better things. I feel it's time to start living my life for more than just this moment. This is it, the end of an era. Whatever I feel, one thing is for sure. By finding a balanced life, it would be much easier to fulfill what I want in the rest of my life. Here are six things, that I personally think, would be important to apply.

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Stop Wasting Time With Negative People

When you're trying to accomplish something big, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking about what other people think about you instead of focusing on yourself. This is why it's important to surround yourself with positive people who inspire you. You'll find that they become more like family than friends, because they help you along the way.

If you don't feel like you have any friends who inspire you, then make some! Find a new hobby that interests you. Then, when you are doing that hobby, go find more people to do it with. Don't waste your time on tasks, that don't matter.

When you're running on empty, you will most likely feel like you have so much to do and so little time to do it in. This is a false sense of importance. The real measure of importance is on something that matters to you, not on something that doesn't matter at all.

It's impossible. You can't change what you were born with. In other words, some people just aren't going to like you. It's okay; they don't have to like you. It doesn't really matter anyway, because you like and accept yourself.

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Learn To Say No

This may seem counterintuitive to some of you, but saying no can actually be a good thing. When you say no to something that isn't important, you have more time to say yes to the things, that are important. Do something nice for someone every day.

It can be anything from giving a friend a big hug when they are having a bad day, to volunteering your time to help those in need. You will get that support back I am sure. It's always nice when people return the favor; it's free advertising! Say no to drugs and alcohol on a daily basis.

I know this one may be a little difficult, because we live in a time where doing the opposite of what is considered the norm is becoming more popular. Nonetheless, be different and pursue sobriety. It'll be worth it. You will have increased energy levels, and you will even feel happier.

A Healthy Diet Helps A Lot To Find The Balance In Life

Research has proven that a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, can improve numerous aspects of health. Such a diet is low in fat and carbohydrates and high in fiber.

Research has also shown that low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets can increase the risk of heart attacks and stroke, while a diet rich in fruits and vegetables decreases your chances of suffering a heart attack or stroke.

What is good for your body is also good for your mind and emotions. Staying focused and healthy will increase your productivity and decrease your likelihood of getting sick in the first place. Since staying healthy is important to finding balance in life, you should probably take a moment to think about your every day meals. and well-being.

You might be wondering if skipping meals is going to make you feel deprived or hungry. You could also try eating small meals every couple of hours. This will help you avoid the risk of having a "sugar rush" followed by a "crash" later.

The main thing is to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Eat whole fruits and vegetables, and avoid fruit juices and other drinks, because they do not contain the fiber, that you need to have a balanced diet. A balanced, nutrient rich diet will help you find your energy and keep you from getting tired.

Make sure that your diet consists of a good amount of whole grains, nuts, legumes, and seeds. These foods are rich in fiber, which helps keep you full and satisfied. Try to eat low-fat dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt, because they contain nutrients such as calcium, which helps your body function properly. Don't worry though, too much dairy won't make you put on weight; in fact, it's beneficial to your health.

You should also eat fish, poultry, and some red meat each week. You don't need to worry about these foods clogging your arteries either. Scientists recently discovered, that people who eat fish have lower rates of heart disease, than those who don't. Red meat is also beneficial, and will help you gain the nutrition your body needs to work properly.

If you are a vegetarian, your options become more limited. You can get the nutrients your body needs from fruits and vegetables, like I mentioned earlier, but there aren't many good choices. I wouldn't recommend becoming a vegetarian, but if that is your chosen lifestyle, then there are a few things you can do. First of all, I would try to eat eggs and dairy products such as milk and yogurt. Second of all, I would try to eat as many nuts as you can. They are a great source of protein and will give you that extra bit of energy you need to function.

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Enjoy Little Things In Life And Don't Be Bored

Most of us spend a large portion of our day either at work, or at school. This is where we have to be on certain schedules and at certain places. If you are constantly worried, that you won't have anything to do or that you will be bored, then this is not the type of life you should be living.

If you don't find joy in the little things in life, then you need to change your outlook. The key to happiness, as you might have guessed, is to take the time to enjoy the little things. Life is too short to be spending it stuck in a boring job, that you don't enjoy, or with people you don't like.

Don't get me wrong; you should work hard and succeed, but you need to make sure, that you are having a little fun along the way. Just spending too much time in the monotony of life, can cause you to become sad or worse, suicidal. There are ways to make your job more interesting and to keep yourself from getting bored.

First of all, try to be around people, who you get along with. This can make your day go by faster and make the monotony a little bit easier to deal with. You can always boost your energy with a good cup of coffee, but it's not worth it if the rest of your day is a miserable blur of boredom.

Take some time to learn new things. Whether you are interested in computers, or cars, or language, anything you can find that will help you to keep your mind busy. Remember the more you learn, the more options you'll have, when it comes to finding something to do.

Lastly, make sure you are staying active. From time to time, take a walk to clear your head, or swing by the local gym and work out. This isn't just good for keeping in shape; it's also good for your mind.

Keep Your Body And Mind In Shape

I would take a mental health day just to relax. Set aside time to visit a nearby park and just sit under a tree and relax. Do some meditation if you can. If you've been under a lot of stress, you might just be able to catch yourself a little 'spirit' level. Take time to look around you. Look at the people passing you by, or look up at the sky and let your inner thoughts wander, or gaze at your reflection in the surface of a nearby body of water.

Whatever you do, don't slack off or take an unscheduled break. You need to keep your body and mind in tip top shape if you want to live a long balanced and healthy life. If you do this, you should be fine. Just remember to set aside time for yourself every once in awhile.

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Find Your Passion And Live It

This is very important, because if you don't find something you are good at, then you're going to spend your whole life dissatisfied. Your life will be filled with stress and you'll probably end up getting sick often, or even die of an early disease.

Some people are natural-born performers, and they almost can't help, but to show off. In fact, they usually aren't that good at it, but they just have a joy of performing. Other people are natural-born artists. They can draw, or sing, or write stories, etc. almost better, than they can produce it in real life. Don't worry if you are non of them.

What you need to do is find something, that you have a natural talent for. I know it seems hard, but if you really want it, you can achieve it. You just have to really want it with all your heart, and that's the main thing that's going to drive you. It's going to hurt at times, but if you keep trying you'll make it.

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Avatar for Peter-Molnar
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Blogging, Thoughts


I have read about this "Learn to say No" many times. This seemed like a constant reminder to me who struggles in this field. I am ctually in a situation where I can't seem to reject a burden because I am so afraid and anxious for my own good. It's hard to be me sometimes. Sigh.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I know it is hard to say no. Many times just by saying yes we do a favor to somebody even if our own things would be important. I have a separate article about it, but I think you read that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I always find comfort in reading your articles because I always relate and relate and did I say, relate? LOL.

One day, I can confidently comment that I am not the same as before, that my progress is significant already.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's good to know. I would read that in one of your articles how your progress is going. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Whenever despair comes, we still have time to learn because all of that is a source of strength

$ 0.00
2 years ago