4 things in which we must focus really

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2 years ago (Last updated: 1 year ago)

Lately with the bustle diary of life, people have hundreds of things in mind, but I think there are 4 main things in which we should focus and that if you are not doing it, you are probably losing time, so let's start.

1. Your happiness

They will tell me that we are all already looking for happiness, but the truth is that happiness does not depend on external facts, but rather on yourself, it depends on you deciding and saying I am happy because I choose to be! Once you consider this, what happens is that you will begin to experience external changes, you will realize that you will enjoy taking care of yourself more, you will enjoy more the moments with your family, friends and even with your pet, also according to hundreds of studies carried out in the last decade, happy people are able to face the challenges and difficulties of life with a higher percentage of success, do not expect happiness to knock on your door, you have the power to decide when to be happy.

2. Learn

This is perhaps the way in which you can become the best version of yourself, you will see when you are constantly learning you become a more educated person, a person who is always updated and above all you become more intelligent, the best way in which you can learn is by reading, when you read your mind you experience a growth in your cognitive abilities, it also stimulates your memory, but the best thing about this is that it awakens your creativity and imagination, that is why I recommend reading as the best way to learn I assure you that the advantages of this will improve your standard of living.

3. Be independent

You probably don't understand the importance of this, but I'm going to explain it to you in all the details. First of all, the independence that you must achieve is in all areas and I am referring to your financial independence, we all need to achieve our freedom in this area, you will see that by not having to worry so much about money we can put more energy into other aspects of our lives , in addition to this we all must achieve our cultural, family, love independence and for nothing in the world should we be dependent on drugs or at least illegal ones (I am addicted to coffee) But I am sure you understand me so from today work to achieve independence so you can enjoy full freedom.

4. Solve problems

Again study after study shows that human beings are evolutionarily designed to solve problems, if you are just lazing around all day you are depriving yourself of one of your main qualities as a human, then I am not telling you that you should solve the biggest problem, that you find, no, but solving small situations in your day to day will help you increase your problem solving capacity, this will help you improve yourself, have a higher percentage of success in whatever you set out to do, also if you solve your own problems this It will give you greater comfort and a greater ability to take risks and take on greater responsibilities since you know that you can solve any problem.

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2 years ago (Last updated: 1 year ago)
