Sunday Tablet

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2 years ago

Good morning dear bloggers. It's an awesome Sunday here in Lagos, Nigeria. The weather is calm with a mild but bright emergence of the sun. As I walked out of my apartment, heading towards the church for an early morning worship encounter, something that I have loved to experience. True worshippers will have a knowledge of what I meant. 

There were many youths in the streets. Some are having a work out, some on the football pitch, training and others playing to win a bet. As much as they appear in colourful jerseys, you would be surprised to learn that many are at such recreational facilities to abuse drugs and not to participate in the training or games. 

This is becoming alarming as we are breeding a generation of young people who are bothered only about themselves, ignoring what other ingredients that would help build a better person. 

Little did they know that whatever they do now is an investment into the future. Those who spend quality time in academic programmes are investing in a future they want to be acknowledged and become a stakeholder. Likewise, those who spend quality time abusing drugs and engaging in social vices would also belong in the future where they'd reap what they have done during their youthful years.

I am in academia. My experience over the years handling preparatory classes with over one-hundred and twenty students on a yearly basis is that many youth haven't discovered why they have to be schooled first before launching into the field. 

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Out of the many students that attend the tutorial classes for preparation for writing the University matriculation examination, only a few of the learners are ready to take the bull by its horn. There are different classes of students in the centre just like what I described in the first and second paragraphs of people who are at the recreation centre for illegal reasons. Here, the classes of students.

The Book worms

Usually, this set of students are seen with eye glasses. Not all of them though. They are usually very punctual to classes and have their seats in the first to third rolls in the class. Through my observation, the Eficos as we refer to them here in Nigeria, are very meticulous of time and in character gentle.

The last group in the class of students usually see the book worms as untouchables, hence they do not go near them. 

Also, these students are very small in body stature. Not all of them though. Perhaps, their eating habits are not as vibrant as others that will be mentioned here later. 

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No Future Ambition (NFAs)

These ones are always seated at the back of the class, doing nothing but disturbing the peace of the class. They won't bother listening to the lesson and won't allow others to listen likewise. 

Unfortunately, they are the ones that takes over the politics of society and employ the services of the brilliant, those we refer to as the Eficos or book worms.

This has taught me over the years that no one should be looked down on. Later in life, you'd discover that the most successful aren't the brilliant. 

Truth is that success is not measured by what we possess but how much influence we are able to make on society. 

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Caught In-Between

Another class of people that exist in our societies are those who stand between the book worms and the NFAs. We can refer to them as average persons. They are usually of less will. Not having a position or perspective on life issues. 

Standing up sometimes to take a position and changing their mindset as things change with time. 

Every single individual must belong to only one group at a time. As I write this post, I have seen where I belong and I am ready to make amends as much as possible to better my lot and immediate environment.

I wish that you will also discover who you are and pursue a great positive height in your endeavours.  

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2 years ago


The problem most of these students/youth have is that they think they are still childish trying to do whatever they like, if only they know their future is now they will never deal with any stuff that will distract them when learning. which will even affect them later in the future when they become an adult. They start facing life challenges which will now make them alter the word had I know , I would have stay focused, work harder, during my youth days

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think I disagree with the assertion that the NFA tends to make it in life and employ the bookworm. It's quite inaccurate and it has been used for ages by NFAs to just their wayward way of life

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think all schools has the No future ambitious but honestly I don’t think that they do not have have ambitions but maybe they are just trying to be happy in a very wrong way. Sitting at the back doesn’t mean they have no ambition.

$ 0.00
2 years ago