The reality of amulet

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3 years ago

* The reality of amulets

* In the light of Qur'an and Hadith *
The Arabic name for "amulet" is "al-tamimah", amulet means refuge, to take refuge in someone.
As we pray to God Almighty, “I seek refuge in God from Satan the Rejecter.” I seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan of God. Besides, no one has any power over anything, nor can he benefit or harm it. Whenever the attribute of Allah is mentioned, it means * "the supernatural causes" *, that is, Allah which Anyone can work at any time and without any reason .. He only says what and the work is done ... while human beings are bound by * "subordinate causes" * ie if a human being does something to another. He wants to harm, he can harm materially with the help of his hands and feet or with the help of other human beings, but not if he intends to do so and whoever says so will harm or benefit someone else. Man wants to benefit someone else, he can do it materially for reasons, even if Allah wills it .. It is not that he just intends and whoever says it will benefit someone. Go .. This is not only for human beings, no creature, no supernatural cause can benefit or harm anyone .. * This attribute belongs only to Allah Almighty * This is the difference that makes * amulet shirk and medicine sunnah Yes .. * If a sick person takes medicine, its material effects reach him, then it can be beneficial, if Allah wills .. There is no reason to hang the talisman .. Reliance on the talisman is the same as on the supernatural causes of Allah. That is why it is shirk. That is why we pray to Allah to save us from Satan and from the evil of every evil thing.
Because only Allah can save .. and this is called trust .. In the Qur'an, Allah has described this attribute of the believers, they trust in Allah alone.

Say: We shall not suffer except that which Allah has not written for us.
No calamity can befall us except what Allah has ordained for us. He is our Protector, and upon Allah let the believers rely.

* Hadiths *

On the servant of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
 (Author Ibn Abi Shaybah, Kitab al-Tib, Fi Ta'liq al-Tamim wa al-Raqqa, Volume 5, Page 336)

'Abd al-Rahman ibn Abi Laila narrated from the Prophet that he said:

 * Whoever casts an amulet and ties a rope, it is an act of polytheism. "*
➖➖➖➖➖qbة bin Amir al 
A the Prophet Muhammad al أqbl إlyه rهt fbaya tsaة uأmsك single fqalua or bayat tsaة utrكt هza said, Verily Allah upon tmymة fأdkl ydه fqtaهa fbayaه uqal from Alaq tmymة lack أsrك


Al Qays bin alsكn Assad, said: expel Abdullah bin Masood, may Allah be pleased with Ali emarat repent upon hrza from alhmrة fqtaه absolutely anyfa then said: Verily Al Abdullah Al alsrك أgnyaء uqal ear countries hfzna al-Nabi, Prophet «Online الرُّقَى وَالتَّمَائِمَ وَالتَّوْلِيَةَ مِنَ الشِّرْكِ

* The reality of amulets

* In the light of Qur'an and Hadith *

The Arabic name for "amulet" is "al-tamimah", amulet means refuge, to take refuge in someone.

As we pray to God Almighty, “I seek refuge in God from Satan the Rejecter.” I seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan of God. Besides, no one has any power over anything, nor can he benefit or harm it. Whenever the attribute of Allah is mentioned, it means * "the supernatural causes" *, that is, Allah which Anyone can work at any time and without any reason .. He only says what and the work is done ... while human beings are bound by * "subordinate causes" * ie if a human being does something to another. He wants to harm, he can harm materially with the help of his hands and feet or with the help of other human beings, but not if he intends to do so and whoever says so will harm or benefit someone else. Man wants to benefit someone else, he can do it materially for reasons, even if Allah wills it .. It is not that he just intends and whoever says it will benefit someone. Go .. This is not only for human beings, no creature, no supernatural cause can benefit or harm anyone .. * This attribute belongs only to Allah Almighty * This is the difference that makes * amulet shirk and medicine sunnah Yes .. * If a sick person takes medicine, its material effects reach him, then it can be beneficial, if Allah wills .. There is no reason to hang the talisman .. Reliance on the talisman is the same as on the supernatural causes of Allah. That is why it is shirk. That is why we pray to Allah to save us from Satan and from the evil of every evil thing.

Because only Allah can save .. and this is called trust .. In the Qur'an, Allah has described this attribute of the believers, they trust in Allah alone.

Say: We shall not suffer except that which Allah has not written for us.

No calamity can befall us except what Allah has ordained for us. He is our Protector, and upon Allah let the believers rely.

* Hadiths *

On the servant of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

(Author Ibn Abi Shaybah, Kitab al-Tib, Fi Ta'liq al-Tamim wa al-Raqqa, Volume 5, Page 336)

'Abd al-Rahman ibn Abi Laila narrated from the Prophet that he said:

* Whoever casts an amulet and ties a rope, it is an act of polytheism. "*


Aqbة bin Amir al aljهny the Prophet Muhammad al أqbl إlyه rهt fbaya tsaة uأmsك single fqalua or bayat tsaة utrكt هza said, Verily Allah upon tmymة fأdkl ydه fqtaهa fbayaه uqal from Alaq tmymة lack أsrك

(Musnad Ahmad, Musnad Al-Shameen, Hadith Aqaba Ibn Amir Al-Jahni)

It is narrated on the authority of Aqaba bin Amir that once a delegation (of ten men) came to the Prophet's service. The Prophet swore allegiance to nine of them and withheld one of them. Did you swear allegiance to Naw and leave this person? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: He is wearing an amulet. Hearing this, he put his hand in his collar and tore the amulet into pieces. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also took allegiance from him and said: *


Al Qays bin alsكn Assad, said: expel Abdullah bin Masood, may Allah be pleased with Ali emarat repent upon hrza from alhmrة fqtaه absolutely anyfa then said: Verily Al Abdullah Al alsrك أgnyaء uqal ear countries hfzna al-Nabi, Prophet «Online الرُّقَى وَالتَّمَائِمَ وَالتَّوْلِيَةَ مِنَ الشِّرْكِ

(Mustadrak Hakim 4/241 Kitab al-Tibib wa ama hadeeth maisarah bin Habib)

'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud saw a thread around his wife's neck for the red bawa, so he broke it. Since the tail, amulet and towel (amulet of love) are all shirk. (Tails with non-polytheistic words were later allowed) *

* Allah Almighty has called shirk a great injustice *

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

Whoever hangs an amulet is a polytheist.

(Musnad Ahmad)

* From these ahaadeeth it is completely clear that amulet is shirk ___ but Maulvis and Muftis have fooled the Ummah that Qur'anic amulet is permissible *

* The reason is that these people receive money for this polytheistic haraam work, it is their source of income ___ *

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) took the oath of allegiance from nine of the ten people who came to him and left the tenth and said: نِنَ عَلَيہهِ تَمِيمَۃً

* Here the Arabic word tameem is mentioned and the Arabic rule is that when there is tanween (two syllables under two syllables) on a noun, it is a common noun, ie every kind of amulet ___ *

* Therefore, it has become clear that all kinds of amulets are shirk _ There is no cycle of Qur'anic and non-Qur'anic in it, this cycle is run only by the Maulvis who loot money_ *

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