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Avatar for Pastma123
3 years ago

I’ve seen posts over the past few days from people attempting to “police” how others are acting and feeling and surviving this moment in time. I’ve had people try to police how I am acting and feeling and surviving this moment in time. For example, when I’ve been very honest about the fact that I’m struggling with anxiety right now and using social media sparingly in order to cope, I’ve had a few people respond with a glib: “God’s got this! Don’t give in to anxiety! Do what you were born to do!” I would like to assert that taking care of myself in this moment IS the thing that God called me to do. And I would also like to assert that you can believe fully that God does indeed, have this, and still be scared. And still recognize that God has had all situations since the beginning of time and still, bad things happen. People are lost. Wars and famine and unrest and earthquakes and tornadoes and mystery pandemics are all still a thing, even though God’s got this. So the point I’m making is this: Feel whatever you need to feel and do whatever you need to do in this season to make it to the other side of this thing. If you need to get off social media to preserve your peace and your sanity, do it. If you need to be mad at our leaders and voice that anger on your FB feed, do it. Anyone who doesn’t like what you have to say can kindly see themselves off your friends list. If you need to do nothing at all, DO IT. But don’t let anyone shame you or bully you into feeling like anything you’re doing right now to get through the day is wrong. Because sometimes you run and sometimes you crawl. And if crawling is all you’ve got in you right now, IT IS ENOUGH. And so are you. 🖤

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