You messed what?

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Avatar for Paradox
2 years ago

9 ways to deal with whatever goof-up you have made and if you are a high intensity and highly affected human.

Cold water bath. 120 sit ups. 70 crunches. Plank held for 7 minutes.

Yes. That's how I dealt with a mistake that I made. And trust me whatever I mentioned above is the most ridiculous way to deal with any mistake big/small.

Now you'd say no one does that. No one. But I am pretty sure there are weird people out there who are into this kinda stuff.

There might be people out there who keep feeling bad about themselves It's just they didn't use my method (do brutal things to yourself so you remember the next time-BAD , no seriously it's bad). Just feeling it does not reduce the pain and strike out the mistake. Anyways let's get to the point.

  • Feel it

I know. Embarrassing AF. Ashamed. Guilty. Distracted. Shit load of other things that are not even related to this incident. It's okay. Take a deep breath. Let's move one step at a time. It's okay to feel that way. It just shows you are human. It just shows how high of a respect you have for your work (since you are affected so much and how serious you are about it, good thing kiddo.) Feeling it might be a little overwhelming as well (for the emotional ones😛)but it's important.

  • Acknowledge it

You made a goof up, you know. There are 3-4 other people also responsible along with you. But a mistake shared does not strike out the fact that you did it. There are people out there who at times don't even accept that they have made a mistake. It requires guts. Own it up. Don't deny anything. If you made one, you made it still be bold enough to handle it.

  • Time for reflection!!!!

Yes. One of the important aspects. Look at the mistake like an object like a ball let's suppose. Play with it. Look at it with the curiosity of a baby who just sort of watches something new and exciting.

What do you see?

The mistake. (Of course I mean come on, yeah yeah)

Why did it happen?

(Think about your answer)

Was it completely your fault?

Was it possible for you to avoid it?

Do you see a weakness?

Have you spotted something you lack or something you should be more careful about?

Are there any other instances of similar kind?

You don't need to break all hell loose by remembering every freaking mistake that you made until now. It's okay. Shit happens.

  • Assimilate

Now I know it's a clichè but hey you need a hearing about it. Every mistake brings an opportunity to learn to grow to create a new YOU which won't make the same mistake and some more identical mistakes. It doesn't warrant a no mistake season in your life of course but it makes you smarter to do a similar task next time. I know it was bad. Real bad. Just didn't suit you as a person. But it's okay. Things mess up so that you proGress up. (Sorry, I try you know poems and shit but the shit that struck Nietzsche never struck me!) Absorb whatever you have learnt through this and make it a point to alert others as well. A person who learns from his mistake is smart. But a person who learns from others mistake is double smart. (You could have just used smarter. Another mistake, ugh. But it wouldn't have made the point).

  • Talk it out

I am a big talker. My first instinct was to just you know blurt it out ,whatever goof up I had made. I thought of my diary. Safe haven. No one knows you know and the story ends. It's embarassing how you can talk it out?! Right?

Sometimes shit is not as embarrassing as you think it is. There are people who might have made the same mistake or probably a bigger mistake

I know before talking it out to a friend of mine I just thought what would he think? What a douche. Who does that. But no, friends are good. They are fuzzy. They are warm. They just pick you up and just tell you to don't take stuff so seriously. They help you to look at it in a more third-person-kind of a way and then it doesn't feel as bad in hindsight. They might tell you shittier goof ups people end up doing even!

(Not all friends are same, mind you. Choose wisely whom to talk to. The one whom you trust and the one you know who'd always have your back. Warning ⚠️: fake friends might use it against you, my mistake wasn't that kind but yours could be so yeah)

But to my surprise it felt better. I don't know if it was actually better but I wasn't worse off either.

  • Make more mistakes

Yes that's right. Life is a vast field of game and you get to make tones of mistakes. The more mistakes you make the better you get at your craft. Just one thing. My teacher always said you are allowed to make n number of mistakes. But just be creative with them. Make new ones. And yes, don't repeat the old ones!

  • Be responsible

A single mistake ends up making you more responsible. More careful. More meticulous in your approach. Embrace it. Embrace the new responsible you, the one that won't repeat it and would be extra careful the next time.

  • Fix it

I know. I know. Not all mistakes can be fixed. But if yours gives you the golden chance to repair it just jump on it and fix it! No better way to get out of the deep pit that you have fallen into and come out of it on your own. (Take Batman for that matter). Be positive and innovative with finding out a solution. Who knows you might end up getting a solution for a different problem altogether.

  • Don't be hard on yourself. It's okayyy

Yeah. This one's for me I guess. No guessing actually. It's for me for sure and other weirdos like me. Punishing your body and mind by ruminating is not the solution. I am still shivering by the cold bath I took a while ago and my core still aches by the extra burning it experienced today. It's okay . Move on. Make mistakes. Learn whatever the f***life is trying to teach you and most important Move On.

So yeah I hope life doesn't seem so awful now and the mistake doesn't look as bad as it did it previously.

Suck it up buttercups!!!

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$ 0.05 from @Maestro02
Avatar for Paradox
2 years ago


Idk why, but I think I need this article. Thanks for this. This enlightened me a little. Keep writing!

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2 years ago

Thank you so much!!

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2 years ago