Protect yourself from someone else's negativity

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2 years ago

To some extent, the attitude is a parasite that depletes our positive emotions and we simply do not have the energy to go further. You can be infected by a negative mood from another person, so we must be able to protect ourselves from negativity.

Any emotion carries in itself a certain sense and energy, it is invisible, so we can not even remember how much negative we accumulate from the outside. Each person reacts differently to the toxic influence, but everyone needs to protect themselves.

How to protect yourself from another's negativity and stop poisoning it.

Sometimes negative emotions arise in us as a result of the following factors:

Sensitivity to other people's pain, empathy,

taking responsibility for "general problems" only on ourselves,

Problems in one's own life.

There is nothing wrong with sharing, but it must be done competently, so as not to harm your own emotional state. Constant exposure to other people's negativity can lead to depression.

How not to fall under the influence of other people's feelings and emotions:

1. The following signs will help you understand how you are empathic: you are often told that you are extremely sensitive and perceive everything close to your heart;

your self-esteem is exacerbated when you feel the pain of others;

In a galactic company you are quick to react and feel emotionally involved;

Continuous communication with other people makes you feel uncomfortable;

to renew your strength, you need time to be alone;

you are constantly thinking about your experiences and feelings;

you are quick to respond to the comments of others. To be an empath - it is good, because this ability indicates your good heart, but sometimes arrogant sympathy can turn against you.

2. Know what you are disturbed, and find out which emotions you feel - own or other people.

You need to understand what causes your negative emotions. Perhaps it is within your reach. You have watched a fascinating film, you are going to a meeting with your girlfriend, who totally sucks at your good feeling. You simply absorb other people's negativity.

3. Uniquely situations that disturb you.

If you become oppressed after films of grief or communication with people, just try to be unique in these situations. At the same time, do not turn on others, just try to trim such people in the distance.

4. Concentrate on your own breathing.

Dixal practices are extremely useful because they calm the nervous system and help you concentrate on the inner world. Use meditation to avoid negative emotions. Take a comfortable seat, close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. After several weeks of relaxation, realize that the fog of negative emotions will simply vaporize and leave you.

5. Shield yourself from negativity with a concealed shield that will separate you from people who give you emotional distress.

The color of the wall does not matter, the main thing is that you should feel that it works.

6. Seek positivity and people who inspire it.

Do not constantly be on your own, so as not to give yourself up to a negative external influence. Of course, energetic vampires should be unique, but there are a lot of people around us who do good. These are the people with whom you are happy. It is with these individuals you have a healthy exchange of positive energy, which gives you the ability to go further.

Simply spend more time in the company of interesting people. Moreover, this feeling, such as hope, is also contagious and is positively indicated by self-esteem and confidence in yourself.

7. Get out of the city more often.

The spiritual state is not renewed more beautifully than being in touch with nature, so try to walk in parks and enjoy the clean air. If you spend more time in the city, go on weekends to the woods, rivers or lakes. Nature helps you recover much faster than a bed. Enjoy the beautiful scenery and try to relax. Walk barefoot on the dew, walk in the fog and just enjoy the ambiance.

These practices will help you find your inner equilibrium!

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2 years ago
