Welcome to the Juungle! - A BCH-NFT marketplace

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3 years ago (Last updated: 6 months ago)
Topics: Bitcoin Cash, BCH, Blockchain, NFT, Crypto, ...

The non-fungible token (NFT) market has been on the rise recently. It wasn't until some big artists decided to use the Ethereum ERC721 and ERC1155 protocols to create digital artwork with the help of smart contracts of the Ethereum blockchain.

Ethereum has been congested for a long time but still is the most popular blockchain used for digital art and NFTs, however, there are signs of this changing.

Developers have been experimenting with more networks recently, such as Tron, Binance Smart Chain, and Bitcoin Cash that offers faster and cheap transactions. The NFT market requires low fees for many reasons. For art-collectors, $200 in fees may mean nothing, but it is not the same for all the simple users that would like to get involved.

Bitcoin.com in this article offers a guide on creating and trading NFTs on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain and the BCH NFT field has started attracting the first digital artists.


Juungle.net is a new NFT marketplace created exclusively for BCH-based NFTs. It has a very friendly interface and it is very fast and reliable, anyone that has an interest in NFTs should give it a try.

The main NFT marketplace currently is OpenSea which is mostly concentrated in Ethereum NFTs, but since there have been many new projects with NFTs native to Bitcoin Cash, it was a matter of time before a new NFT marketplace was created.

Juungle.net is in alpha testing and still developing. The NFT field in Bitcoin Cash is still in an early stage but there have already been created some very interesting projects like Waifu.

The interface is user-friendly and it is easy to understand how to use the marketplace. Juungle.net is still in development and the first signs are encouraging.

It offers search options using the collections listed and sorting with many options available.

What I think is missing is a description of the collections and some more information about the artist, or the creator of the NFTs, as well as more information about the token.

This is an NFT illustration of one of my favorite actors of all time, David Carradine, created by the digital artist Justin Luis Vargas (JLV).

Clicking on the Verify option will open the website Simpleledger with a description of the token.

I have used OpenSea a lot for a few years and it wasn't looking better than Juungle when it was in the first steps. Juungle may be very simple but we need to remember that it is not a ready product and still it makes a very good impression.

As a personal opinion, I always found the NFT world interesting but mostly for gaming. This is where I see a huge potential for the gaming and crypto industries to thrive and when combined they can begin a gaming revolution. Fortunately, lately, there are a few attempts by Ubisoft, but I haven't seen anything substantial yet. All recent attempts I have seen are low budget and having very little use case for NFTs inside games.

Ethereum which has a strategic position in the NFT world sadly is impossible to scale. I doubt that ETH 2.0 will be any better to become an efficient database and it can easily take a decade before it is ready. Since Ethereum can't afford to scale there is a need for efficient blockchain systems. Bitcoin Cash offers an efficient and decentralized environment.

Most developers fail to see that behind any hype in Ethereum are the BTC and ETH whales that create artificial interest and as with the ICOs, now with NFTs, there is a formation of a bubble.

I have to suggest to the smart contract developers to look for once beyond Ethereum and find opportunities where they weren't so far. Try Bitcoin Cash, even Tron, or any other blockchain that can afford cheap and quick transactions. Ethereum is a long shot for anyone that doesn't have connections and a huge marketing budget. I have seen hundreds of good ideas becoming unsustainable only because of unstable and very high ETH fees.

Screenshots from: Juungle.net 

Lead Image: Source

$ 10.82
$ 9.57 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 1.00 from @JustMyRambles01
$ 0.20 from @Constant1995
+ 1
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Avatar for Pantera
3 years ago (Last updated: 6 months ago)
Topics: Bitcoin Cash, BCH, Blockchain, NFT, Crypto, ...


It is such a pity that one cannot create at this stage on there. I wonder how long it's going to take?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was interested in SLP NFTs but by the time I wrote this, they were losing interest. Now it is on SmartBCH NFTs.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Do you have any links or details about it from trusted resources? Please share any details you may have if you get time 🌻

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If you want to create NFTs today I recommend doing so on SmartBCH, because it already has huge interest and being Web3 compatible it can attract millions of users.

I can only say that I have some articles written and they attract a lot of readers lately either here or on Medium.

I don't have a tutorial of how to create NFTs though. Probably you should ask someone that already created their own.

For the time being I have only found ba.net which gives the option to create SmartBCH NFTs for you.

Remember to follow the SmartBCH telegram: https://t.me/smartbch_community I would also ask there.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks so much for this! The creation is pretty ok and I should be able to figure it out if I've done it on opensea, I'll definitely check out the smartbch details! Very much appreciated!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If I find more on this I will try to create a guide perhaps. I'm sorry, I don't have experience on creating NFTs. I will try to do research on this.

$ 0.00
2 years ago