Psychological facts, you may not have known

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1 year ago

I was reading a blog and suddenly it offers a few psychological facts I would like to share. although they are too straightforward they are very helpful and useful.

  1. We are more creative when we are tired.

  2. It is easier to remember small units of content.

    "Maybe this is why many computer programs are divided into modules and work this is called object-oriented programming."

  3. Physical pain and rejection by other people activate the same regions in the brain, which is why rejection is subjectively perceived as pain.

  4. Happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise are the only emotions that are universally expressed in all parts of the world.

  5. People are more honest when they are tired.

    "Maybe because their brain does not have sufficient energy to lie."

  6. No blind person has ever developed schizophrenia.

  7. Chocolate releases the same chemicals in the brain as when we are in love.

    "Earlier I thought that chocolates are additives and now I know why."

  8. 80% of conversations are complaints.

    "Like seriously is it true I do not much about it but it may be true"

  9. Close emotional relationships are more important for health than physical activity.

  10. A hug for 20 seconds stimulates the release of chemicals in the brain that contribute to the creation of a feeling of trust.

  1. People who are violent often have low self-esteem.

  2. Even the illusion of progress has a motivating effect.

  3. People who volunteer are happier in life.

  4. 90% of people communicate through text messages that are difficult for them to say in personal contact.

  5. If we convince ourselves that we slept well, we can trick our brain into thinking it really is.

    "I am going to make use of it, actually I am usually doing it on a regular basis and it is working."

  1. The company of happy people makes us happier.

  2. Our favorite song is a favorite because it reminds us of an emotionally significant event.

  3. Smarter people are prone to self-underestimation. Ignorant people think they are great.

  4. People between the ages of 18 and 33 suffer the most stress. After the age of 33, the level of stress decreases.

  5. Some people are afraid to be very happy because they believe that something bad in life could happen after that.

    "I have seen many, even though I know them by names, they are always pessimistic regarding the future"

  6. Comedians and fun people are actually more depressed than others.

  7. Money spent on important life experiences will have great emotional value.

  8. When we are single we mostly notice happy couples around us, and when we are in a relationship, we notice satisfied singles.

    "Hahahahaha.. Absolutey true... "

  9. Most dreams contain hidden messages, which carry more weight and meaning than conscious thoughts.

  10. The average high school student today shows the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the 1950s.

  11. When we cry with happiness, the first tear will always come from the right eye. Tears of pain flow from the left eye.

    "I have never noticed it, but it is dicey as for as I know, many research report says the opposite that it is not detected through eyes."

  12. About 80% of people use music as an escape from the negative aspects of reality.

    "I totally agree., I do it and the music should be loud like hell... Hehehe"

  1. Silence often means that we think that the other person is not ready to hear what we would like to say.

  2. Chocolate and shopping are more addictive than LSD and steroids.

  3. The way we dress is related to the mood, which means that the wardrobe can improve or maintain a good mood.

  4. Singing reduces feelings of anxiety and depression.

  5. If we act as if we already own something we want to have, we increase the likelihood that we will actually have it.

    "Isn't it the power of the subconscious mind, but it is true, It has happened with my friends, once she developed a strong belief for a branded luxury purse and she was not capable of buying it, but later her friend on her birthday without her knowing gifted the purse."

  6. Alcohol is involved in 90% of sexual assaults on student campuses.

  7. If you get paid for what you do, it can make you less creative.

  8. Schizophrenia does not mean a "split personality" but a split feeling, thoughts, and behaviors.

  9. People who have suffered many emotional injuries become easily irritated for no apparent reason.

  10. When you think too much before bed, the mind stays active as if you are awake. That’s why you’re tired when you wake up.

  11. If you are constantly postponing something, tell yourself that you will do that task for 5 minutes. After that, you will notice that you want to continue doing what you normally put off because you will overcome the anxiety about starting the task.

  1. The way you talk to children becomes their inner voice

  2. It takes 2 to 4 years to get to know someone very well. Couples who spend so much time together before getting married are less likely to divorce than couples who spend less time together before getting married.


These are all the facts, I found them interesting. The more I got to know how my mind functions I better progress. I hope that you enjoyed reading these facts. Thank you.

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1 year ago
