The Journey

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2 months ago

The Journey

The life we live on earth has a manual and the worst we can do to ourselves is to live outside the manual as planned by God.

As children of God whom Christ died for, we are meant to live according to this manual.

The manual said believe God. Look unto him who is the author and the finisher of your faith. The life you are living is not yours, it belongs to God. Seek after the things above and not the things beneath. Seek the kingdom and its righteousness.

This time around, the gathering of Gods people has become a place where temporal things are been promoted, and people are now living in illusion.

The time we suppose to give to God who is our spiritual source, our life and our reality is now given to things that are valueless, things of no spiritual consequence.

Our soul matters so much but we are been deceived, being led through the merry go round of time and forsaking eternity.

The things of this world is been awaited by fire, our eternity with God is what that is very important but we left it and pursuing shadows.

Truly the time is short but our ears are closed and our eyes are blind.

Jesus said you can never serve God and mammon and that is the problem. Service unto mammon has its own course outline and as you are running it, it never ends. The falsehood is well planned and beautiful to behold, it will be believed and you will have your hands full.

The bible says that the serpent was very subtle; you will never know what hit you.

Life is about choice, and the service unto God is a different course altogether.

Struggling, fighting to have it all in this physical world is never the manual of believers in God who are redeemed by the death and resurrection of Christ.

We are blessed in all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus. You don’t seek physical things. Seeking those means you do not understand your position in the heavenly, for when the heir do not understand who he is the servants would be controlling him.

The bible says that many are called but few are chosen, you may be called but when you lack spiritual truth and be chasing after temporal and mundane things, you are already out of the program. The time is truly short and we are not supposed to waste our time and be chasing after vanity.

What played in the Garden of Eden is still playing now; men are tempted by their own desires. People could be clapping for you and hailing you but they are hailing you to hell.

It is childish to believe that your blessings are cars, houses, money etc.  Every environment is held by the vanity they hold dear.

It could be food for most people in Africa; it could be any physical thing of high ranking according to mans grading but nothing physical can add to anybody.

Most believers don’t like talking about death but everyday people are dying in their midst but the teachings they are getting from places are not allowing them to truly evaluate their lives.

We are worth more than millions; our spiritual destination should never be compromised.

We should never be deceived what a man sows is what he will reap. If we sow to the flesh we will reap corruption but when we sow to the spirit we will reap life and peace, the choice is yours.

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Avatar for Pamex44.BCH
2 months ago


Actually vanity, upon vanity, all is vanity according to King Solomon. It is better we lay up our treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust can destroy it.

$ 0.00
2 months ago

You are very correct my sister.

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2 months ago


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2 months ago