If I were the President of Nigeria

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2 months ago

This write-up was submitted in my son’s primary school competition in June 2022 as his own submission and I would like to share it also with the community.    

 Many presidents have come and gone but there still remain some things that they have left undone in my country. Every good president comes with his or her own agenda; likewise I have my own agenda if I were the president of my country.

 The first of my agenda is to provide good security in the country. As it is, many people have lost their lives because of the prevailing insecurity; that becomes the most important thing that I will take care of if I were the president, thereby reducing the loss of lives in the country. It is also a known fact that without security every other thing could not function.

Secondly, I will provide good roads. Some road contracts have been going on for a long time but they are still not completed. As the president, I will make sure that uncompleted road projects are completed and I will also construct more good roads thereby reducing the possibility of accidents on our roads.

The health sector is another place that I will give my maximum attention. There are a lot of ailments now in our society and people are dying because of lack of funds to take care of their health. So when I become the president, I will build more hospitals, employ more health workers like doctors, nurses, pharmacists and others; thereby reducing the scarcity of this professionals in our hospitals. My government will also find a way of giving some free health facilities to the citizens so that premature deaths that are attributed to poverty could be reduced.

I will also fund research institutions where some researches will be carried out on science and technology for new inventions, then medicines and health.                                                                    Furthermore, is very clear that no nation can survive without food; so based on that, I will make food available by going into programs that will boost food production.  In the past, there were programs like operation feed the nation and green revolution; likewise I will start a food production program that will involve the granting of funds to farmers thereby increasing food availability.

I will invest into the education sector of my country because the best way to develop a country is to improve the educational system of that country. I will achieve this by reducing the school fees of the primary, secondary and the university levels. I will also run full scholarship programs, so that some people that cannot pay their school fees can now do so through these facilities.  We can also provide balanced lunch meals for those in primary and nursery schools; by so doing the children will have the right percentage of nutrition that they need for their growths and developments.

Again, if I were the president, I will ensure complete electrification of rural and urban places in my country. Some communities could not connect to the national grid because of the shortage of funds. I will embark on the mounting of electricity poles, running wires in places, mounting of transformers and other activities that are involved in electrification without charging the communities that are involved for these expenses. Steady power will also be ensured by my administration.

Employment is one of the things needed by the youths and young adults. As a president I will create employments by building industries and supporting small scale industries; giving loans and grants to young entrepreneurs. I will support existing and new businesses thereby reducing unemployment in my country and increasing people’s standard of living. 

I will not forget to add water as part of the things that I will make available if I were the president. Some people have been suffering from diseases like Typhoid fever because of lack of good pipe-borne water. We know that clean water should be odorless, tasteless and colorless but most of the water that people are drinking now does not pass these properties  because clean pipe-borne water are not made available, so I will make water available for my citizens.

Finally, I will give housing loans to both the employed and the self employed hard working citizens. I will build houses for different economic classes in my country and at reduced costs. Free accommodations will be made available also for the poor ones through my Ministry of Housing. 

My target is to be a good and amiable president and restore general stability of all the sectors during my administration as the president of my country.


Thank you.

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2 months ago
