Sequel to micro-story: war, travel and love.

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2 years ago

A letter to my love...

When my mind sleeps in silence, my heart longs for you awake.

On cold nights of loneliness, the moon reflects your light and your mortality.

In every dawn of hope, the rays convey your sweet gaze.

I miss everything about you, what I cannot see and what I cannot hear.

You promised to return to me, but they extinguished your essence before you came.

With an invisible cup you sealed our pact of union, it was our toast and our motto of love.

The day of our parting was so overwhelming, the war alarm resounded with fervor.

I believed, innocently, that I would see you again. I waited patiently, but your eyes I never managed to see.

What injustice! My beloved, that, because of the whims and vain ambitions of people with power, I had to emigrate from my land and separate from your being.

We were young, with so much desire to grow, like the being that was growing in my womb, your best memory, and I never told you about it.

When I learned of your departure from this earthly world, my sadness was such that the blood ran between my legs and I lost my other half.

He was so tiny that his body fit in the palm of my hand, how could I not love him? How could I not love him? He was ours, we both created him.

I am old, the years have passed, with a real glass in my hand symbolizing our pact, I wait patiently for the day of my rapture.

And how can I forget our motto? Now it is not for two, now it is for three.

As I close my eyes I whisper to Jehovah to allow our reunion... for a thousand more years.

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2 years ago
