The Story 💯

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3 years ago

This story is 100% true, please read to the end to understand. I remember it like it was yesterday. I met the only person i would ever consider a true friend. We are both in the cadets at the same squadron and at the beginning of the training year, we had an FTX. FTX is like a squadron wide survival activity. The squadron made a mistake and placed me in the wrong flight. A flight is a group of cadets, usually about 20 or so. Anyways, we divided into our flights to go build our camp for the night. As a senior cadet I was too busy managing all the younger cadets to notice her at first. But as things started to calm down, and bedtime was approaching, I noticed her. The most beautiful girl in the entire squadron. Me being my normal awkward self was all awkward talking to her, meanwhile I was thinking “this chick is actually kinda hot.” Later to find out that she had a boyfriend. I was crushed. Cut me some slack, I was 16. Anyways, i ended up staying awake all night talking to her and fell more and more in love with her with every word she spoke. There is a rule at FTX that you need to have a buddy buddy to go to the bathroom and stuff with, in case you trip on a root and fall unconscious or something. When I needed to go, she immediately volunteered to be my buddy buddy. Eventually the FTX ended and it was time to go home. I didnt think of her as a friend at this point, just another person I had a good conversation with. Little did I know it would evolve into the best friendship I ever had. Anyways, after we arrived home, I found all sorts of excuses to talk to her. All relating to cadets, id ask random questions that I already knew the answer to, and eventually questions became conversations and conversations became jokes. And all this eventually became a friendship. Fast forward a month or so and she told me that she wanted to go to a basketball tournament with the squadron but she wasn't on the team. She wanted to watch and see her summer camp friends who were gonna be there and she hasn't seen in forever. She asked me if I wanted to go with her. I has a mandatory class for flight training that day. I skipped it to take her. She was delighted that id make a sacrifice for her like that, especially since she knew how set my heart was on getting my pilots license. Anyways, the trip started very awkwardly. I sat with a seat in between us on the bus and eventually I started to sit closer… Always wondering if I was doing the right thing. Eventually at this basketball tournament, I acted all protective of her when this dude from another squadron was throwing a tennis ball at her. We started calling him russian guy (remember him, he's important). Fast forward another month and my squadron had a dance to celebrate Christmas and on the last song of the night, I asked her to dance, without even realizing it somehow (long story, dont ask). Anyways she was reluctant at first, gave me this look but eventually agreed. She was in a beautiful red dress with a heart necklace. Her hair was up in a bun and she was the most beautiful girl i've ever seen. We slow danced to all of me by john legend, my hands on her waist and hers on my shoulders. After that, she swiftly went to the bathroom and ignored my existence completely while I helped clean up and pick up garbage from the mini potluck that happened before the dance. Eventually her ex boyfriend who is also in the same squadron as us, who she broke up with the day after she returned from FTX; the day after she met me, approached me and asked if I was going to walk her home. I asked if I should and he told me no. So I reluctantly took his advice and continued getting ready to leave. As I was waiting for my mom to show up to pick me up, I saw that she was walking home with her ex walking right next to her. So it started to raise my suspicion level a bit but I realized that maybe they were walking at the same pace. Until he reached over and started carrying her bag. Again, I was crushed but mo

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3 years ago
