They bloom in the sun

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3 years ago

Living in the tropics or subtropics is like living in a colorful flower garden for most of the year. If you had walked here in Barbados you would have noticed many miles of flowering trees or plants. You can see flowers at all stages of their life cycle, add a touch of beauty and color to many small unpainted homes, and cast needed shadows on city streets.

The sun and climate in Barbados are good for flowers, causing them to bloom in many varieties. Here you can see the Allamanda or the golden cup in light yellow, the flamingo flower (similar to the flamingo bird), the red lily and the ixora. The beauty of the local flowers encourages people to talk about it. Let me share a few things that I noticed while walking around the local gardens.

Flamboyant or Flame Tree

Imagine a tree completely covered with scarlet flowers! Perhaps because of this color and the size of the tree, which is between 6 and 12 meters in length, some call it the real Poinciana. The climate here is ideal for this tree to bloom when it appears to be full of flowers. hence its bizarre name or flame tree. It is one of the most beautiful flowering trees in the world.

Most of the year, the flamboyant remains leafless due to the dry climate. But then something wonderful happens. A few weeks before the rainy season, these dead and bare branches come to life and turn into a red cape. Instead of just being each flower, the flowers form clusters.

The individual flowers of the whimsical tree can grow up to 13 inches wide. Each has five petals, four of which are identical in size and color. The fifth, however, appears to be the proverbial "coal dwarf". This petal is thin and slightly yellow and slightly distorted.

Although characterized by its beauty, the extravagant has a relatively short flowering period of a few weeks to two months. It then gradually loses its flowers and replaces them with shiny green leaves in the shape of a fern. Even then, sharp green skis with a length of 46-61 centimeters appear. People use the dried fruits of this tree for fuel. Eventually the leaves dry up and drop, and the fruits turn brown. However, we know that will change with the next rainy season.

Frangipani: the finished table

Another tree that flourishes in our sunny climate is the frangipani. This tree usually grows to a height of 4.5 to 6 meters, although it sometimes reaches 7.6 meters. It also blooms with the transition from dry to rainy weather.

At the onset of the dry season, the dark green leaves fall off, giving the tree a lifeless appearance. But as the dry season approaches, frangipani branches sprout with flower clusters that can hold fifteen or more flowers in each bouquet. Scattered flowers can appear at any time of the year. But it is the frangipani that produces the most flowers just before the rainy season.

The flowers are small and uniform in size and shape. They have a star-shaped appearance with five petals overlapping slightly at the edges. These petals come from elongated tubes attached to branches of soft skin. The colors are creamy white or pink and always have a uniform, waxy appearance. This flower is known for its charming scent, especially noticeable in the cold of the night. As a table setting, frangipani bouquets are just the right size to use as a finished centerpiece.

The beautiful hibiscus

Tender hibiscus can be seen almost anywhere in the tropics. This flower is dressed in a variety of colors, from light pink to gorgeous vermilion. Some are light yellow, others light orange. Instead of appearing in clusters, the individual flowers fall gracefully on the tips of the long stems.

The hibiscus flower is typically 10 to 13 inches wide and has five petals that fold in from the center. As with color, the shape of these petals varies greatly from plant to plant. Some petals have a slight relief while others have deep stripes. Some hibiscus flowers are more likely to have double petals than single petals.

Here in Barbados, hibiscus flowers serve many purposes. Some people work with this plant in a hedge so that the flowers grow randomly here and there. It is common to collect hibiscus flowers and let them float like a table in a bowl of water. There is really no abuse of these beautiful flowers, as they only last for twenty-four hours, whether they are picked or left in the bush. The trade-off for such a short life is the fact that the hibiscus plant blooms steadily and abundantly throughout the year.

The benefits of hibiscus are not limited to the flowers. The popular green vegetable "okra", used in soups and stews, comes from the fruit of one variety. In addition, the same family of plants produces a button that acts as the basis for a refreshing drink called "sour".

I just had the opportunity to briefly describe three flowering plants to give you an idea of ​​the natural beauty that can be seen here in Barbados. Come and visit us and discover different flowers that bloom in the sun.

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3 years ago
