A Broadside Against The World

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Let's start with general truths. This world is basically ruled by evil. I don't mean that the totality of existence and nature and the cosmos are evil, but just this human world and this human era. The whole civilisation has been based on lies and slavery from the beginning, starting with the Egyptians and the Babylonians and Sumerians and all those ancient peoples. Possibly even Atlantis before all that.

There's always a dark priesthood lying to people and manipulating them, and this started with the shamans and the medicine men, who knew what plants were poisonous and what could be used for healing. They claimed to be able to communicate with the spirit world, and that only they could keep people from getting sick. It was all just based on superstitious faith in authority, and of course the shamans would exploit that faith. Sacrifices had to be made to appease the gods. Later this developed in to a whole system of priesthood, where they would study the stars and know when the eclipse would come and then claim that if the people didn't give them all the power, the sun would never come back. Human sacrifice was common, as was slavery. Giant armies of slaves were controlled by fear of death, and conditioning through pain and reward. If the slaves didn't do what they were told, they would be whipped or even killed, if they obeyed their masters they would get to eat and live another day.

This system more or less has been going on, with the occasional revolutions and palace coups merely replacing the ruling class with another, sometimes slaves themselves becoming new rulers. The German Philosopher Hegel called it the "Master and Slave Dialectic".

As civilisation developed, so did collective knowledge, and that knowledge was carefully guarded by the initiatory mystery schools. The ancient mystery schools like those of Egypt trace back their origins to the "prediluvian" or pre-flood period, what we commonly know as Atlantis. Some dismiss mentions of Atlantis as mere mythology, but serious students of history and comparative mythology understand that the nearly universal flood myth has a basis in real history. There is actually a reason why people are taught to dismiss Atlantis as nonsense, and that reason is the desire the dark priesthood has to create a power differential between them, and the brainwashed dumbed down masses they control.

So there has always been insane human sacrifice cults, where children are thrown in to the fire as a sacrifice to these "gods" under the order of the dark priests. The more they are able to make people believe absurdities, the more atrocities the people will willingly commit. Throughout the millenias, these psychopathic priests of power have developed their psychological techniques of population control in to a science. That's why basically everything we're told about history today is a lie.

What are some of the big lies? The current US dollar based global fiat monetary system is a total lie, as people involved in cryptocurrencies might be aware of. They, the hidden rulers, are just creating these numbers from nothing and enslaving people by making them work for the numbers and then to pay a percentage to the government as tax, which in turn pays to the owners of the national debt, who created the money from nothing in the first place. This whole planet is basically a human farm, where our energy and life force is being sucked by these global vampires. Modern "gnostic" allegories like the 1999 scifi-classic The Matrix are basically talking about this.

Well, religion's another big one, obviously, going back to those ancient times. There is a good kind of religion, called mysticism, where people basically realise they are one with everything and one with God and have this overwhelming mystical experience and a desire to do good and spread universal love. I'd say Jesus and Buddha were mystics. But then, after some inspirational moment like that happens, the priesthoods come in and park themselves as intermediaries between God and man, and start collecting taxes and scaring people in to submission. All the organised religions today are basically insane and evil cults, whether we're talking about the Catholic Church or the Protestant Churches or more obvious cults like Jehovah's witnesses and the Mormons and Scientology. Islam was always about conquering lands and robbing camel caravans and making everyone submit to the threat of force. Judaism or Talmudism is one of the sicker ones, they actually believe non-Jews are cattle and deserve to be enslaved. Freemasonry is also basically a religion, even if they don't admit it. The buddhist monks I'm not too sure about them, if they are harmful, or maybe they're just neutral and basically doing good. I'm not sure if they're using their position of authority to rape children like the Catholic priests do.

"Science" falsely so called is another lie. It's just ideology. Instead of free inquiry and testing all claims and being curious and seeking for the truth like it sort of was in the beginning, now it's become another dogmatic religion where you're just supposed to believe in authorities. And of course the powerful institutions and universities are controlled by the same dark priesthood that controls the monetary system and the religions. And they push lies down peoples throats, they hide how the monetary system really works, they hide how corrupt politics is, and they basically create more bureaucrats to work for the corrupt system. Even something seemingly solid like physics and engineering can be used for evil purposes. You can use science and technology to grow more food and give more energy to the people, or you can design "terminator seeds" like Monsanto does to enslave the people. So science and technology are double edged swords, but since the world is ruled by evil, it's mostly used for evil. The computers are used to spy on people, medicine is used to make people sick and dependent on that medicine. It's all so sick.

What else? Have you noticed how music and film has gotten worse and worse during the last few decades? There's hardly anything original or interesting, it's all just brainwashing to pull people down to an animalistic level. Music is spreading a kind of sick ideology of glorifying egoism, drugs, promiscuity, lust, everything's about sex and getting the fake fiat money. This is really a sick global culture, and it has been created on purpose to further enslave humanity to the small occult oligarchy that rules the world.

Who are the hidden rulers? Oligarchical families like Rothschild, Rockefeller, and other similar billionaire banking families, and of course Royal families of Europe, and institutions like the Vatican. They use secret societies like the Freemasons and the Jesuits the maintain their control. At the highest levels they use human sacrifice and child rape to ensure the loyalty of their agents. People are forced to participate in satanic rituals to be part of the elite clubs. Skull&Bones at Yale, Bohemian Grove, it's all been public for quite some time.

The small group has been manipulating human history, starting all the wars, funding both sides, giving humanity a false view of their own past and enslaving us. Marist Communism is just another tool for these people, it creates a centrally controlled society that will usually perform genocide, like what happened in Russia, China, Cambodia, and basically everywhere where these so-called Marxists have come in to power.

Now I have been pissed off about all this for quite some time now, seeing all these recent wars like the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria and how people were lied to about them. 9/11 was obviously a false flag, it wasn't done by some small group of muslim terrorists, but actually by the governments of Israel and the United States itself. This is what these psychopaths do, they murder people and lie about it to get a reaction out of people and then use that reaction to murder more people.

Last year however took things to a whole new level. They started "testing" people for a new coronavirus, and spreading panic and fear through the mainstream media system that they totally control. Governments started locking people in to their houses and shutting down businesses. Turns out the test doesn't even test for a virus and it's all a big lie to enslave humanity even further. I don't know about you, but I've had it. We got to separate from this fucking filth to maintain some sanity.

Let's just turn on our brains, let's wake up to what's going on, then let's tune in to the right channels of information, such as this one you're reading right now, and drop out of this sick prison society. We can grow our own food, produce our own energy with solar panels and small scale combined heat and power plants, and we can create our own cryptocurrencies. I am not complying with my own enslavement, but absolutely saying no to this sickness. I hope you are too.

Even if the world situation is dark, truth can not be quenched out, and I still believe in the ultimate victory of good over evil. Slowly but surely people will wake up, come to their senses, spread the truth and overcome all difficulties. Actually all these difficulties and struggles and all the evil around us is what brings the good in us. So it all works for good in the end. Send me a comment and send me a tip to help me fight against this "New World Order", which isn't new, and which isn't order, but the same old manipulated chaos and war. https://tipb.ch/paavokuronen

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