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2 years ago

Today's article is about staying happy and positive without worrying too much about other problems especially the ones that do not matter too much in your life, and the importance of staying happy in general.

Staying happy

With all the problems happening in the world and around us, being simply happy is becoming one of the hardest things to experience, and depression is taking over our lives. We as people have to stay positive and avoid thinking about all the problems that do not matter as much as we think they do, and therefore making ourselves happier and more satisfied while living our life, because we will only live one time and if you live your life by keep having depression and stressing about other things, you might not get as happy as other people and you're missing out days from life that you do not get back. Happiness is one of the simple things that makes us feel more content and comfortable as well as it being free of charge. Do not limit yourself and avoid overthinking too much.

Happiness do matter a lot

If you ever wondered what is the benefits of staying happy well let me tell you, happiness can literally make your life healthier and gives you an in general healthier lifestyle and makes whatever you do feels either normal or great, and having hope and never giving up will make the hard things and the things that annoy you feel like less happier than others but still feels ok, and they will just go away and you will be happy again. Staying happy does improve your heart health as well and while having this great mood you will most likely stop worrying too much about other things and start being more lovely and nice towards other people without getting jealous from them or wanting harm for them, and you will feel like life is much more easier than you thought. When you find yourself in a comfortable and happy place you might stop following things that do not matter as much such as celebrities & their lifestyle or other people's lives on social media for example, and whenever you see something like a nice car or a luxury apartment you will less likely be wanting that thing and you will feel like you can do it and you can have it maybe in the future and you will just feel happy for the other person rather than jealous or sad, because you are a happy person. Why staying happy you will be a better friend and you can help your friends in their things or issues in a more comfortable and effective way, and you will be less aggressive towards other people especially the ones that try to hurt you and you will start trying to make them happier so they can stop being aggressive and improve their general life, while helping them combat their depression and solving their problems. Happiness can give you a better control over your job and makes you finish your job easier and a lot more content and happier especially if you hate your job in the first place, and will provide you with better experience in having control over any problems throughout your entire life and will be easier for you to deal with stress and depression for yourself and other people.

Happiness means generosity

When a person is happy he tends to be more generous towards other people because he is simply a happy person and want to make everyone happy around him with a healthier and happier environment in general. Generosity is when someone gives another person anything, literally, be it food or money or love or any other kind of giving, and that's how he shares some of his happiness with others. Happy people tend to help the homeless and will most likely participate in donations and giving back to the community. Happy me means happy you.

How to start

Starting off being happy means you need to look for anything that will make you feel good in the first place in your life and you have to appreciate anything that comes towards you from good to bad and embrace it and find easier solutions to problems in a nutshell. Avoid overthinking and stressing on stuff and also know that everything will be ok, your life is not based on one temporary thing that makes you stressed out. Understand that we only live one time and we have to take the world in a positive way. Have enough sleep because sleeping less will make you grumpy, and sleeping is very important to function in everyday situations, and with less sleep you'll tend to be less happier and more stressed out. Smiling for no reason towards other people and being nice to them will bring joy to your life and will make you a happier person in general so start by smiling to other people in public and see their reaction by smiling back to you and that will also make you happy, on the other hand accomplishing something will also make you happy so if you don't have anything to do start by exercising and accomplishing your goals, maybe by dieting as well and that will also make you happier, because exercising and doing sports tend to boost your mood, and sometimes having a pet animal like a kitten for example can change your life to the better, while eating a healthier and a better diet can also make you feel better and more healthier therefore making you happier. If you do not like vegetables or fruits try to eat them and enjoy them with your mood by focusing on what you're eating, and also be grateful for what you have and what you're eating because you should know for a fact that some people actually find their daily food from the trash bin in the street and do not have a house to live or sleep in and can somehow not avoid the rainy days and wind too much, so be grateful and that will make you happier.

Life is easier than you thought, always think about it in a positive way rather than filling your mind with negativity. Thank you for reading and stay happy.

Source of pictures used in this article are copyright free from unsplash.

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2 years ago


If we stay happy mentally and over all then our health stay healthy and good because many things are related to happiness so we should always smile and laugh with friends and family. happiness plays big in role our life we must always ignore the negative thoughts. nice saying pwwrite as always i like to read your articles.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you i appreciate your words and you are right we should have some laughs with our family.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Smile and win the world. This is my strategy. Well written dear.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Happiness is the way. Well said and hopefully the world becomes a happier place in the near future.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

always think about it in a positive way rather than filling your mind with negativity that's what everyone must do stay happy.

$ 0.01
2 years ago